The Cyberith Virtualizer’s Kickstarter is active, and is already approaching $30,000 out of its $250,000 goal. For those unfamiliar, the Cyberith Virtualizer is a new VR treadmill platform designed to let you comfortably move around in a VR space while not eating up too much floor space. Motions captured include walking, running, jumping and crouching.
They have also announced a Virtualizer HT version that features rumble pads under the platform which theoretically gives directional haptics feedback. For example, if a grenade lands nearby, you’ll feel it. This requires directly supporting the Virtualizer SDK to work, unlike the other motion captures that can mimmick keyboard control until direct support is made available by the content maker.
EDIT: Cyberith tapped us on the shoulder that the above statement is incorrect. The Virtualizer HT works with ALL games. Well, that’s even more exciting, isn’t it?