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Opposable Games, Hammerhead Interactive Join The ITA!

By May 13, 2014March 24th, 2020News
Opposable Games Logo

“Opposable Games is focused on providing exciting, innovative experiences inside and outside the gaming hemisphere, joining the ITA gives us a unique opportunity to engage with a network attempting to push forward, promote and share a great wealth of knowledge. Emerging technologies like virtual reality can seem a little daunting to work with, especially for individuals and smaller companies, so it’s great for the industry to have a body that’s easing out some of the teething issues and providing a platform for discussion.” – Dan Page, Opposable Games

The Immersive Technology Alliance is proud to welcome Hammerhead Interactive and Opposable Games to the fold!

Opposable Games has earned a name for itself for mixing platforms to make a unified gaming experience.  Their most recent flagship product in development is called Salvaged, and is destined to mix virtual reality with a touch pad interface.  They have already been featured by Pocket Gamer, Gamezone, Eurogamer, Kotaku UK, and several more reputable media outlets.

Hammerhead Interactive
“Hypercast is a service and product proposition for businesses. We hope our work will help inspire fellow developers, and are always looking for opportunities to connect and work with like-minded talent. We joined The Immersive Technology Alliance because it ties in with and helps us to achieve our goals.” – Richard Tongeman, Technical Lead

Hammerhead Interactive is best known for “Undercurrent” the first Underwater game for the Oculus Rift. They are also the developers of Hypercast – A product experience application utilizing game technology. The core idea behind the first publically playable Hypercast demonstration was to create a virtual example of a yacht so that clients can customize and design their vision in virtual space before building or buying the real thing.  To date, they have been featured by the likes of Develop-Online, BBC Scotland, Killscreen, Joystiq, PC Gamer, Polygon and more.

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