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Technical Illusions, The ITA on Develop-Online

By April 10, 2014March 24th, 2020News

Technical Illusions is up at bat from GDC 2014.  Brian Bruning, their VP of Business Development, talks about their latest castAR glasses revision, plans for the future, and opens up about The Immersive Technology Alliance.

We’d like to send out a special thanks to Develop-Online.Net who have been running a series of articles focused on Virtual Reality.  Today, they ran an interview about The Immersive Technology Alliance.  We’ve been receiving feedback that it’s been perceived by some that the alliance is rushing a short-term standard when the text says otherwise.  A standard is just one part of a much bigger picture, and things have just begun.  The first and most important step is for the industry to talk amongst themselves – and we’re getting there.

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