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Qualcomm’s Vuforia, More Oculus VR at GDC

By April 4, 2014March 24th, 2020News

This was actually one of the cooler things we saw at GDC this year. Vuforia is Qualcomm’s platform to make augmented reality work on smartphones and tablets.  The demo below pretty much tells you everything you need to know…  

Kris Roberts has also shared part two of MTBS’ Oculus VR coverage at GDC 2014.  This time around, Tom Forsyth shares Oculus’ game design recommendations for VR on their platform.  It’s the first time we’ve seen the words “meat hook” mixed with cat pictures to help teach the principles of VR…

If that’s what it takes, that’s what it takes! 😉

All jokes aside, it was a very informative piece of work.  Special thanks to Kris Roberts for featuring it.

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