Good news, Oculus Rift fans! Dynamic Digital Depth has released another TriDef Ignition beta driver featuring new VR compatibility features. Here we go…
• The TriDef OSD will now be drawn so that it is readable on the Rift by default. If you prefer the old style (so that it is readable on a cloned monitor) then change ‘HMD Settings -> OSD on HMD’ to ‘Off’
• There is now a new TriDef display profile for the Rift. Oculus Rift (Desktop Res) will output a game to the Rift at your current desktop resolution.
• Aspect ratio is now handled correctly for any game resolution. This allows you to select game resolutions with ‘vertical’ aspect ratios such as 640 x 800.
• Aspect ratio is now handled correctly for any output resolution. Note that if using an output resolution other than the Rift’s native 1280 x 800 you will need to ensure that the image is stretched to the entire display and never cropped or padded with black. You might need to change your graphics card driver to ‘Enable GPU Scaling’ to do this.
• There is a new experimental option via the ‘HMD Settings -> Additional Resolution’ sub menu. The Width and Height entered here should appear as a selectable display mode in-game. You can use this to have the game render at your own custom resolution for each eye (eg 800 x 800) while still outputting to the Rift using a real display mode (eg 1280 x 800). We recommend using this with the Oculus Rift (1280 x 800) or Oculus Rift (Desktop Res) display profiles. With the Oculus Rift (Game Res) display profile Ignition will still output using a real display mode. It will try to match this to the game’s display mode as closely as possible but this may not be suitable for optimal 3D. There is also a setting for Refresh Rate in the ‘Additional Resolution’ sub-menu. Unless you are an expert (and already over-clocking your Rift) you should just leave this at 60 Hz. Ignition will only output with a real refresh rate so this is just a guide for what refresh rate it should choose.
• You can now temporarily reduce the output size of the image so that you can read game text that might otherwise be too far to the side of your view. Hold down the ‘Force Safe HMD FOV’ button (by default this is Numpad +) to change the Output FOV to a customizable Safe FOV. You can also set the ‘Safe FOV’ in the ‘HMD Settings’ sub-menu.
• If the Head Tracking -> Yaw Scale is wrong the view will no longer ‘pop’ at the 180 degree yaw mark.
• OSD key repeat rate now accelerates over time allowing you to make faster changes when holding down a key.
• Increased the Yaw Scale and Pitch Scale maximum range to +/- 5000.
• Fixed an issue where Restore Default Settings could accidentally switch to Power 3D mode. (Power 3D mode isn’t currently supported for the Rift).
Great stuff! Please remember to share your experiences with the updated drivers.