Special thanks to Tom’s Hardware for giving a shout out to some of the current developments around the Oculus Rift and MTBS. Here are some important highlights:
The Gallery: Six Elements is getting close to their Kickstarter goal, but they aren’t there yet! If you haven’t pledged yet or you think you can pledge more, your backing could make all the difference in making this innovative title happen. So get to it, fellow Rifters!
These drivers are just getting better and better. There are still only a handful of games supported, but with headroll and tilt, they are definitely a successful proof of concept. These open source drivers were originally written by Andres Hernandez (Cybereality), and have since been developed and upgraded by MTBS’ community. We’d like to send kudos out to John Hicks (Baristan6) for his tireless work.
It still needs work, but there is a Vireio Perception development Wiki in MTBS’ Immersipedia. Remember, if you haven’t logged in before, log in from the front page of mtbs3D.com under the Membership tab. You only need to do this once, and then the system will have your log-in on record so your username and password will work directly in the Wiki as well.
Have fun!