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Sniper Elite V2 Review, MTBS Gallery Update

By July 18, 2012April 4th, 2020News
Sniper Elite V2 Reviewed in 3D!
We have another stereoscopic 3D game review for you today! This time, it’s the AMD HD3D branded title Sniper Elite V2. Arguably one of the most stressful games we have played to date, we gave it a 3D run-through on AMD’s HD3D native platform, DDD TriDef, and Nvidia 3D Vision. Incidentally, for those that are curious, real snipers keep both their eyes open…like this poor soul (seriously!).
We noticed a few members have been trying to upload images to our fully 3D compliant galleries but had to wait on moderator approval for the images to get posted. During a recent update, we forgot to get rid of this requirement, and that has been fixed now. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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