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Nvidia Announces GTX680 Kepler

By March 22, 2012April 4th, 2020News

Nvidia GTX680 Kepler
…and so falls the other shoe.  Nvidia has announced the GTX680 Kepler series featuring 28nm fabrication and 3.54 billion transistors.  With 2GB of DDR5 RAM, and a 1006Mhz/1502Mhz clock (GPU/Memory), Tom’s Hardware has referred to it as a “Hunter” GPU for gamers.

For fellow stereoscopic 3D gamers, the GTX680 can support up to three simultaneous S-3D displays from a single card (plus one 2D display).  It also has a full sized HDMI 1.4 connector, and it will be interesting to learn if the connector is similarly enhanced with more 3D bandwidth as is the case with AMD’s 7950 and 7970 GPUs.

We’ll share more details as soon as we have them!

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