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Computetex Taipei, MTBS Going Down Temporarily

By February 10, 2012April 4th, 2020News

MOA Signing of Computex Taipei & CES

While we got lots of interviews at CES 2012, there were also some neat presentations worth sharing.  Each year, we make a point to go to Computex Taipei’s session because they attract great speakers, and are excellent hosts (WITH FOOD!).

Visit original YouTube video for 3D Viewing Options!

This year was no different, and we managed to catch some presentations by ASUS and Acer.  We also witnessed an MOA signing between CES and Computex Taipei.  It was more entertaining than we are making it sound, so please check out the video!

This Friday, we are going to be starting the process of moving MTBS to a new hosting server and updating all the software.  We will try to keep the site up and just turn the forum posting off during the transition, but it’s likely that everything will have to go offline while we get things set up.  If all goes to plan, most of the site should be functioning again by Monday.

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