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Jeffrey Katzenberg Peeved, Dolby Labs Part II!

By July 21, 2011April 4th, 2020News

While Jeffrey Katzenberg is (justifiably) upset with how movie makers are futzing up the 3D industry with terrible content, Sony is passing on a friendly reminder that 71% of gamers want 3D video games!

This statistic is really, really old news already because The U-Decide Initiative has covered this time and time again, but maybe it will help wake the display manufacturers to the reality that their strongest customer base is gaming right under their noses!

Kevin Yeaman, President & CEO of Dolby Laboratories

That said, check out MTBS’ coverage of Dolby Surrounded!  Today we learn about Dolby’s new production reference monitor (cooler than it sounds) and what they have cooking in the gaming world!

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