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Consumer Recommended Pricing VS Actual Holiday Sales

By December 23, 2010April 4th, 2020News
It’s a crazy world!  When 3D HDTVs are priced too high, the analysts complain.  When 3D HDTVs go on sale for the holidays, the analysts find a new reason to complain!  From one 3D customer to another, this holiday season is a time to celebrate!

Recommended Consumer Pricing/Actual 3D HDTV Holiday Sales Pricing

Based on the latest U-Decide Initiative findings, this table is a cross reference of the prices 2D gamers are willing to spend on a 50” 1080P 3D HDTV compared to the sales pricing of actual products this holiday season in US funds.  These prices also include the add-on expense of two pairs of branded 3D glasses.  When you figure that customers will likely pay more for higher visual quality, features, and content bundling, it’s clear that manufacturers are listening to the wants and needs of their customers.

The chart is read as follows: the first row labeled “Consumer Recommended Pricing” is how much consumers are willing to spend on a 3D HDTV based on U-Decide’s results.  It’s broken down into tiers ($2000, $2100, $2200, etc.).  The percentage on top of each pricing tier is the portion of 2D gamers that are willing to spend at that level.  Each row that follows is the best sales price for currently available 3D HDTVs by leading manufacturers for comparison purposes.

This is strictly a price comparison for reference purposes only, and does not take into account buying decisions based on product quality, additional features, or brand loyalty.

NOTE: This category of pricing is intended for high-end HDTVs, and consumers were asked to measure acceptable premiums for a 1080P 2D HDTV valued at $2,000 US.  The data collection happened prior to the 2010 holiday season, and $2,000 was the going rate for a premium quality 2D HDTV at the time.  This category of pricing should not be confused with the prices for lower quality (e.g. 720P) or more modestly featured HDTV models.  It’s also important to remember that this study was focused on gamers.

We also encourage members to visit to look at the trends for traditional 2D HDTVs.  These amazing sales around 3D HDTVs are also being applied to traditional 2D panels.

Finally, if you haven’t done so already, check out MTBS’ 3D Buyers Guide.  There is still time to grab some holiday specials, and pricing will likely stay competitive during after-Christmas sales.

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