A member of the MTBS family celebrated a big birthday yesterday. Our gift to her is we won’t tell you which birthday it was!
Among other things, Pam Swartz (MetalQueen) is our hardworking newswire writer. If there is a worthwhile story out there about stereoscopic 3D gaming and entertainment, don’t waste your time with Google because Pam is on the case! She also does a lot of the web design work and writes our 3D movie reviews too! Happy birthday Pam!
And…HAPPY CANADA DAY! To celebrate the festivities, MTBS members qualify for a complimentary six issue subscription to Computer Power User! The offer states that it is for North American customers only, but we are making some enquiries to see if the digital version will work for overseas gamers too. We will keep you posted.
UPDATE: International members are welcome for digital versions of the publication.
CPU is one of those magazines that you need to read from beginning to end. The latest hardware and gadgets are regularly featured, and if you are a hardcore PC gamer looking to get the best components and software to make your machine go, CPU is obligatory reading.
You need to be logged into your MTBS account to take advantage of the offer. Enjoy!
More news is coming down the pipe…stay tuned!