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FMX 2010 Iron Man 2 Review, M3GA Scoring Update

By May 14, 2010April 4th, 2020News

Two stories to share today!

German Iron Man 2 Premiere

First, as promised, we have some great pictures from the German Iron Man 2 premiere that took place at FMX 2010.  We normally only review stereoscopic 3D movies, but what the hay!  We had this movie reviewed as well.

M3GA Logo

We are pleased to report that some game developers have been sharing positive feedback about M3GA.  In particular, they really like the separate scoring between MTBS certification, and strict deduction based numeric scoring now shown in a separate column.

For the numeric side, out of a possible score of 100%, it now follows a weight of 25 points for setting reductions, 25 points for non-critical errors, and a full 50% for critical anomalies.  Each section is protected that if the anomalies add up to more than their individual section weight (e.g. 50 points out of 50), their deductions max out to zero, not negative figures.  In theory, you can have Gold certified games scoring lower than Silver rated games because the rules are different on the numeric side.  This is great for gamers wishing to go by a different quality expectation scale.

There is a remaining challenge, though.  Usually games don’t have 15 anomalies or setting reductions at one time, so out of 100, the deductions currently have a minimal numeric impact.  Should we increase the value of each deduction choice with an understanding that it will be possible to hit the section’s zero mark before all the options are selected?  For example, let’s say a section is valued at 25 points.  Should a deduction be valued at 10 points, with an understanding that even if three or four points are selected, the maximum reduction will be 25 points for that given section?

Please share your thoughts and ideas in the M3GA forums.

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