What a conference!
“Potential for 3D gaming is GREATER than the potential for 3D film” – Jon Laundau, Producer of Avatar
Featuring the top names in the industry, the 3D Gaming Summit was a huge success. While MTBS apologizes for not updating content on a regular basis this week, we hope to make up for it with lots of 3D pictures. We understand that the entire conference was professionally recorded on tape, and we hope to have footage to share with you as soon as possible.
After the conference, The S-3D Gaming Alliance held its second meeting to a standing-room only crowd. Speakers included Electronic Arts, Jon Peddie Research, Blitz Games Studios (via video conference), and more.
Thanks to all the members who have been making submissions to M3GA. During our talks at the summit, we had the opportunity to show it off to top gaming executives, and they were very impressed with what the MTBS community has done in a very short time. Please keep up the great work!