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Google Maps in 3D? Sort of.

By April 5, 2010April 4th, 2020News

We discovered this one by accident.  What started as a satellite view got enhanced to a street level view.  Is the next step for Google Maps a stereoscopic 3D option?  You decide:

Google Maps in 3D

At this time, Google Maps only supports 3D in anaglyph (red/blue glasses).  However, looking at the images with the naked eye, it’s unclear if they are true 3D images, or if they are 2D images which are just offset from each other.  For example, look at he painted lines on the road.  In practice, the lines should angle outward or apart from each other as they go deeper into the scene.  Instead, they are nearly parallel.  The objects in the far distance should have at least some separation, but there is none to be seen.

The earlies blog we could find talking about this updated was written on April 1st, so maybe it was intended as a joke?

To get the 3D options, go to “street view”, and then click on the anaglyph glasses logo on the left hand side.  Share your results and findings in the comments section below.

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