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Neil’s Messy Basement 41: Bridging Display and Audio Through Superior UHD Blu-ray on PC

By March 19, 2021Neil's Messy Basement


4K UHD Blu-ray is a conundrum on PC, and yet PC is the BEST platform for getting our Blu-ray movies looking and sounding their absolute best. So what is best exactly?

This episode begins with an explanation of why 4K HDR technologies are so radically different from FullHD 1080P displays. We then discover the unique challenges that HDR technologies present to the projection industry. In particular, why is HDR on projector so difficult compared to HDTV?

This leads us to an opportunity! Can the quality gap be closed between 1080P FullHD projectors and 4K HDR projectors? Can 4K HDR projectors and HDTVs be coaxed to do a better job than the way they perform out of the box?

To help answer these questions, the hour is rounded out with a step by step guide on how to get 4K UHD Blu-ray discs running on PC and looking and sounding their best on both 1080P SDR displays and 4K UHD HDR displays with the power of PC and modern graphics cards.

Pay close attention to the disclaimers in the video and research the legality and copyright responsibilities in your area. There is much debate on the steps necessary to make PC compatible with 4K UHD Blu-Ray and this is outside our area of expertise.

Why 1080P FullHD and 4K UHD Are so Far Apart
Is There a Bigger Story Here? (What I Learned From the AVS Forum)
Introduction to Blu-ray
How to Play 4K UHD Blu-ray on PC
MakeMKV Software
Madshi’s MadVR
DAUM Potplayer
The Real Moment of Truth

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