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Neil’s Messy Basement 36: Exemplifying How Entertainment is Way Too Fragmented For Consumers

By June 22, 2020Neil's Messy Basement


In an earlier episode, Neil talked about doing a series of programs about being able to achieve more with the equipment we already own.  However, as Neil moved ahead with the process, more and more discoveries were made along the way that really expanded his thinking.  In reboot fashion, he’s going to treat THIS as the first episode in the series, and will use this time to explain the challenges that consumers are facing today with their modern entertainment experiences.

With TV cable, movie theaters, streaming services, and Blu-ray as backdrop examples, Neil demonstrates several hurdles that consumers face today when it comes to getting their premium services to work, and how the next few episodes of Neil’s Messy Basement will help overcome them – inexpensively!

By the time Neil is complete, it’s hoped that consumers will be able to conveniently enjoy the latest stuff; often on equipment they already own!

Sample topics covered include Dolby Atmos, DTS-X, 4K displays, Blu-ray, HDR, movie theaters, compatibility, and more!

Do you agree with Neil’s stance on modern entertainment? Share your thoughts below!

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