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Neil’s Messy Basement: Episode 14

By July 22, 2016March 24th, 2020Neil's Messy Basement

This is an important episode of Neil’s Messy Basement!  We are going to be doing something extremely ambitious with Immersed 2016 this year.  This is something completely new for us, and we think it will be positively influential for the market at large.  That, and it will be lots of fun!  We want your involvement, so check it out (the whole segment is about 15 minutes, and it’s a good story!).  Learn more about Immersed 2016 at  There is only one Immersed!

Next we’ve got Charlie Morrow from MorrowSound.  Charlie has done it all: audio in film, soundscapes, immersive audio, etc. etc. (and etc.!).  He’s one of the top audio people in the world, and he’s going to share his latest work with 360 VR audio.  Yes, he’ll be at Immersed too.

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