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YuriyTheBest is FAMOUS!

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:00 pm
by PressBot
Looks like YuriyTheBest is finally earning the fame he deserves! Sprawled out on the front page of Engadget, with a viral distribution just about everywhere, our own Yuriy has captured some media interest!


"...and with all these 3D cameras and camcorders making their way out onto the market, we’re guessing this may up being more than just a fad..."

Is this Engadget’s[/b] way of eating their words??!?!?

Thanks to Yuriy’s heads up, as we reported last week, YouTube implemented a special feature for uploaded S-3D movies that automatically converts them to different side by side and anaglyph formats for easy viewing. While YouTube earns full credit for adding this service, I think the bigger story is that this 3D feature would not have garnered attention had it not been for MTBS members like Yuriy. Through example, he took the time to point out the benefits of 3D through action. While standards are important, MTBS will always maintain the position that customer voices and demonstrated demand are key. Yuriy, keep up the good work!

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YuriyTheBest is FAMOUS!

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:43 pm
by Neil
The following is an excerpt of a blog article.  Read Full Article

Looks like YuriyTheBest is finally earning the fame he deserves! Sprawled out on the front page of Engadget, with a viral distribution just about everywhere, our own Yuriy has captured some media interest! “…and with all these 3D cameras and camcorders making their way out onto the market, we’re guessing this may up being more than just a fad…” Is this Engadget’s way of eating their words??!?!? Thanks to Yuriy’s heads up, as we reported last week, YouTube implemented a special feature for uploaded S-3D movies that automatically converts them to different side by side and anaglyph formats for easy viewing. ...