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shaky to the planet, sharky to the planet, OVER

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 2:23 am
by sharky
hi peoppppppple!

well first of all i wish everybody ahappy new year!

second, there is something i woud like to say:

in the last months a lot of people contacted me privately and said something like "thank you for all youre doing in the forums".. i really appreciate this. i do what i do for fun, spend a lot of hours in it, absolutely for free, (got a nice christmas present from neil.. :) tnx neil) i like to do it, and i like it even more when i see that people like it and appreciate it. BUT there is one thing i have noticed... people see me as "the administrator"... thats not at all correct. i am sharky, with administrator rights, BECAUSE i helped to give mbs a better look. yes i am administrator, but im more sarky tha administrator.. ;) what i want to say with this is that ALL of you can help in making mtbs better, no matter if it is a 10K poster or a newbie. the unoffical compatibiity database was a request of a 3-Post user. there are several ways to do it:

post in the website ideas section,
make signatures for members,
make gallery submissions,
fill the compatibility database,
if you know php or other languages write usefull scripts. (if it is a long script you better ask first if it could be needed)
make avatars for users,
and many more...

if there is something you dont like in this site you can submit your idea! if its good it will be used, else , well try again! :) in the website ideas there are a lot of different images i posted for the main index, wich did not "pass the test".

all i want to say is that we are all on the same ship, and i feel more a mtbs user than a administrator.

i hope to see soon people helping me on this kind of stuff, and i leave you saying that im preparing a next big surprise for the next 3/4 days... ;)

bye all

have fun and make our home better
