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Better Polarising lenses

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 2:56 pm
by RAGEdemon
Just a quick observation. Using nerdy shutter glasses (polarised glass) as polarisers instead of the supplied cool glasses with plastic lenses produces a brighter, cleaner image with more vibrant colours, with (dare I say) a little less ghosting. You will have to take out a lens from the left eye and turn it 90 degrees. Remember that this will be passive, ie shutters will not be activated.

Personal preference I guess.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:19 pm
by Neil
I can't speak for the ED lense replacement, but I find that if you wear glasses. the clip-ons give better image quality than the stand-alone pairs.

I think the lenses are darker or of better quality for the clip-ons.

Post your results.


Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:44 am
by sharky
i didnt notice any difference between iz3d glasses and edim. shutterglasses. moreon the glass is rectangular and cant be turned of 90 deg.

maybe you used a higher quality shutterglasses.



Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 6:18 am
by RAGEdemon
"the clip-ons give better image quality than the stand-alone pairs"


"the glass is rectangular and cant be turned of 90 deg"

It can, it just won't fit in the rectangular slot. Just stick it down with glue or tape.

Strange that the difference can't be seen. My brother, an ex pro level gamer, who never plays in stereo can see the difference quite well.

I used Elsa Wired though (wireles now :lol: ) but I think ED would be just as good.

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 8:17 am
by sharky

i think that my glasses are not th ebest.. when i played in 3d with them in the pas and disabled the glasses, sometimes it happened that one eye stayed black.. in that case it was not totally black. wich means that the polarization is not th ebest.. it was dark, but i could see trough it.. not much but i could.

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 5:23 pm
by Jahun
I don't have the IZ3D, but I do have their glasses and I totally agree on this. The cool glasses are definately not on par with anything else I have.. The difference is quite easily spotted.

Well actually they are on par in a sense, the issue is that they are very cool but bent. Bending makes polarisation drop very very strongly. Light is not supposed to pass in a non straight way through these filters.

So if you want to get rid of probably a decent amount of ghosting on these IZ3D screens, use the clip on's like Neil says, they are already more straight, or modify a theme park style or ED.. Perhaps the theme park style is a few degrees off the IZ3D, not sure, can't test.

I use the cool IZ3D glasses, in some games it doesn't matter much and they don't back reflect like the theme park style does. And they sit nicer and you look way cooler... pretty important to me, too look cool when I battle all alone through HL2 :)

But when I want the best performance, I take the Themepark style glasses.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 8:24 am
by Likay
I have glasses so i use those clip-ons. The polarisation crossextinction is lower with those from iz3d compared to the ones i have from silverfabric in germany. You can see a difference when shifting glasses quickly to check ghosting. The difference is not that big so i recommend using the glasses that suits you best. :D
The ones from iz3d is smaller and more fitting than the big ones from silverfabric. The ones from silverfabric makes me look like a pilot from late 70's . :lol:

hey: I know how it is when 15 people looking at the screen and at each other making funny comments about the "theme park" glasses. What can i do? i have almost 20 of those.. hahaha


Ghosting in the iZ3D

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 11:44 am
by Denaris
I'm not sure if I am just using it wrong, but I have tried all sorts of combinations of nVidia primary video drivers and iZ3D driver versions. I have tried both the normal shades and the glasses clip-ons (agree with Neil on his observations there).

1) The darkening of the image is kind of a bummer.
2) My eyes get all wonky after playing for more than an hour.
3) The ghosting is really distracting, and setting the depth to significant levels puts it into unnaccepable levels.

Is anyone else observing this? It seems everyone is aware of the ghosting problem. I'm not even sure that is the right term because I'm used to thinking of ghosting as the trailing created by LCD monitors with low response times. It is more of an "image doubling".

On a side note, I noticed something cool today. I have a glass desk, and when I turn on both front and back panels on the iZ3D I can see the "front" panel in the reflection in my desk. I spent a few idiot moments wondering why adjusting the colors with the nVidia properties wasn't working; out of the corner of my eye I could see something changing but it wasn't the image in front of me. I looked "down" into my desk and I could see the settings change! I know the optics / physics involved that make this happen but it's still cool to observe. Reminds me of those creepy movies where someone's reflection is doing something different than the person themselves.

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 12:19 pm
by sharky
hehe i noticed the same on the window reflex in a sunny day.. but the colors where messed up.. the reflex was pink.

anyway, i dont wear glasses so i tried to apply the clip on on the regular glasses. its a bit dark but after 2 mins you get used to it. now i use it qllways that way. it gives very good results.

its strange that you get that much ghosting. i mean, everybody has ghosting, but not that much that it becomes unacceptable.. acutally i have very less ghosting and dont notice it. the oly point where i notice it very much is in the titles right after the execution of a game. where you most likely have a white text on a black background. or a red text.. but else it is fine.



Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:34 pm
by Neil
Hi Denaris,

Can you post some screen shots of games in the depth you like, and we can look at it on our monitors?

Maybe the game profile is off, and some things are disproportionate.


Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:45 pm
by Likay
Hi Denaris! Just wonder if you tried tilting your monitor backwards. for me it does wonder with the ghosting phenomena. it doesn't disappear but it surely reduces the experienced ghosting to an acceptable level. (well, at least for me). Thank you Neil for posting this someplace. Don't recall where though.
