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Head Tracking

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 11:54 am
by crim3
I wonder if tdvision will integrate Head Tracking on their HMD. Actually I have a z800. I'm very happy with it, but, eMagin's support to their own product is almost non existent. Aside that, the OLEDs will burn out some day.
I'm astonished with all hardware, software and libraries that tdvision offers. It's very different to what I have experienced as a emagin's customer. I'll have in mind their product for the future. But, I need the magic of moving my head and see what is at my head's direction.

I've seen at the interview a mention to design. I like the design. I'm one of the few over there who prefer functionality to design. I don't like alien style designs.

I want to say to tdvision people that, as HMD user, I think that the priority for future improvements should be FOV over any other thing. It's the most important for immersion. Actual FOV is very good to watch videos, but for gaming, a total FOV covering should be the goal. The window should be left aside at some point in the future.

There will be special offers for mtbs3d members? hehe
Will you come to Europe for a trade fair? As everybody, I'd love! to try your products.

TDVision Systems Information

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:28 pm
by eschur
Thank you for your comments. My name is Ethan Schur from TDVision Systems.

Regarding the head-tracker, naturally that is something that we have investigated. The gyroscopic technology that has been used in the past has some severe drawbacks which aren't appealing to the gamer. For example if you look to your left, then you look left again, and return you may lose the original reference position which can both set you off in your game and cause an involuntary vestibulo-ocular-reflex which leads to side effects such as dizziness and nausea. We have been researching some novel options at our R&D labs and mtbs3D users will be the first to hear when we have new functionality such as this.

About design: At TDVision we have worked to create a 3D device that give the user a wide fov, HD-visualization, and good contrast and brightness. This is something that we are very proud if. We aren't looking in any way to make an alien sort of design and we really want a cool looking unit. Any comments users have on their experiences with our unit's or others is interesting to read and we look forward to following those posts.

FOV: It's very important to create a wide FOV so the user can feel immersed in the video, game, or whatever content they are viewing. Through our successive TDVisor releases we have always significantly increased both the resolution diagonal screen size of our units and we will continue to do just that. We think it is of highest importance.

Thanks and keep the questions coming!

Ethan Schur
630 590 3969

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 1:03 am
by crim3
Flawless headtracking would be a dream. Hope you find something appropiated.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:42 pm
by CarlKenner
The Z800 uses gyros BUT it also uses a compas.

The VR920 went the cheaper option and ditched the expensive gyros entirely, and only uses the compas.

For pitch and roll they both use accelerometers.

I play Virtual Reality standing up (with a Wii Remote and Nunchuk), so I wouldn't really mind that drift. Although for my VR920 it is impossible to drift. Also for most games I'm just emulating the mouse, which introduces its own drift.

If people want a head tracker, they can try sticking a Sony SIXAXIS on their head. It has a significant amount of drift, but it is reasonably smooth.

need VR GYRO Tracker help

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 5:54 pm
by tbronson158
I bought a Gyro Tracker from Virtual Reality site and was wondering if anyone had a operaters manual ? the one they sent to me was a copy of a copy of a copy and wasnt fully readable. I can get unit to sychcroniz acording to the led on the base reciever but I cant get the transmit device to move the mouse. I cant get anyone to answer my emails at the vr site either Thanks, Tom

Re: Head Tracking

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:49 am
by andersson
Hi, Im trying to find a HMD-product for gaming and your product looks like one of the better. I am personally not interested in head tracking built into the device as I have and use trackIr from naturalpoint. That product is one of the best for gaming. I can understand that other people have different needs, but for me it will just raise the price more (and that is the biggest problem for me..).

Can you consider releasing a version without headtracking for a smaller price? If the price will be the same I guess it doesnt matter if its there or not (weight?).

Thank you