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Where can I see one of these HMDs?

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:31 am
by InCytE
Looks like a very nice piece of kit and the price, although not cheap, is something I would pay. But I would feel better about it if I had a chance to try it out.
Also, one of the solutions to enable stereo is to use existing nVidia stereo support and I noticed nVidia logos at the TDVision site. Of late nVidia has not been great with their stereo support. The latest release driver (i.e. not beta) are from June 2006, 8XXX cards are not supported neither is Vista. Can anyone from TDVision comment on the future support by nVidia in the consumer stereo segment?

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 10:52 am
by LukePC1
Yeah it would be great for everyone if nVidia provided newer non beta drivers. Prefearably with postprocessing or DX10 drivers.
Maybe a completly new driver and no upgrade of the older ones (which are working quite good on some titles) :?

The advantage of a new driver might be less crashes :D

TDVisor Information

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:31 pm
by eschur
This is Ethan Schur with TDVision Systems. If anyone is in the Chicago area please feel free to schedule an appointment with me to come to our labs and see a demo. We are at different shows as well throughout the year and this year's CES show in Las Vegas is a great time to check out our new 720p TDVisor! Regarding the Nvidia drivers that definitely something that we are pursuing for DirectX 10 and Vista. Nvidia has a roadmap that we are aware of and with the support of S-3D users like you we will be a major part of that. We have some great ideas at our labs on how to optimize for S-3D in the driver to increase performance and the user experience.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 10:18 am
by InCytE
That is good news that nVidia has a road map to support Vista and DX10. I'm sure that everyone here would agree that this support can not arrive too soon. In other words, nVidia get it done!
Unfortunately it is very rare that I get to Chicago. I hate O'Hare and avoid it like the plague when traveling in the US. Midway is better but not much connects (a least for my travels) through that airport.
I would like to invite you to come and visit Canada. Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver are places I visit very regularly. If TDVision plans any visits to these cities please give us Canucks the heads up

TDVision Demonstrations

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:29 am
by eschur
I think that would be a great idea. One idea we have had for a while is to establish regional centers where people can view TDVision. Maybe if we can partner with some electronics chain we can make that happen.