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MTBS Has MAJOR Upgrade!

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 5:00 pm
by PressBot
Hello everyone!

Ok, I know we’ve been promising a face lift for MTBS for some time now, and I hope it was worth the wait! Special thanks goes to Sharky, Watson, SirC, Cuddles, Welder, and the patience of the MTBS membership. MTBS’ new features include:

[*]A new MTBS logo! (Thanks SirC!)
[*]A drop down menu system.
[*]Separate news and RSS feeds for site news, interviews, game reviews, and editorial.
[*]A snapshot of the newest and most popular threads in the MTBS forums.
[*]An MTBS Nations at War system that rewards members NAW money for bringing in active players.

The website’s banners need FLASH installed, so if you are seeking gaps where banners should be, that’s why.

Post your thoughts on the upgrade in the forums! There is still work to be done.

Read full article...

MTBS Has MAJOR Upgrade!

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:48 pm
by Neil
The following is an excerpt of a blog article.  Read Full Article

Hello everyone! Ok, I know we’ve been promising a face lift for MTBS for some time now, and I hope it was worth the wait! Special thanks goes to Sharky, Watson, SirC, Cuddles, Welder, and the patience of the MTBS membership. MTBS’ new features include: A new MTBS logo! (Thanks SirC!) A drop down menu system. Separate news and RSS feeds for site news, interviews, game reviews, and editorial. A snapshot of the newest and most popular threads in the MTBS forums. An MTBS Nations at War system that rewards members NAW money for bringing in active players. The website’s banners need FLASH installed, so ...