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Medal of Honor Airborne

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:31 pm
by Freke1
It would be nice if this game had a MTBS3D certification because I can't get it to work in 3D. If anyone makes it pls post the solution...

Edit: this is best I get:
100% separation (but looks like 3%).

c:/Documents and settings/"username"/My documents/EA Games/MoH Airborne/config/MOHASettings.ini changed to:

CullDistanceBiasBase = 1
ForceVSync = False
MaxNumberOfDynamicDecals = -1
MaxNumberOfStaticDecals = 0
MaxParticlesAllowed = -1
ParticleCullExemptDistance = 4000
ParticleLODBias = 0
ScreenPercentage = 100.0
SkeletalMeshLODBias = 0
StaticMeshLODBias = 0
TextureDetail = 2
bAllowBloom = True
bAllowDepthOfField = False
bAllowDynamicDecals = True
bAllowDynamicLights = True
bAllowDynamicShadows = True
bAllowLightEnvironmentShadows = True
bAllowMotionBlur = False
bAllowStaticDecals = True
bForceFallbackShader = True
bGroupShadows = True
bMinspecCull = True
bPostFX = False
bSimplePostFX = False
bTickLODAnims = True

looks a little 3D which is better than nothing...

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 6:11 am
by LukePC1
I tried the demo without any sucess...
It always crashed on pressing the hotkey...
I have tried with the 94.xx drivers, but now I have the 16x.xx

Mybe I'll try your settings later...

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 8:37 pm
by Freke1
I have no crashes
... but the game is a dissapointment - only 6 online maps and cost me 55$...crap. Don't buy it.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 1:07 am
by sharky
hi! this game gave some minor problems with the iz3d drivers too.. i had to add some lines to the profile.txt to get it to work.

so i think that if it had some problems with hem it will be much more difficult with the nvidia drivers.unfortuately i have a 8800 so i cant test anything.try to write them a mail simply linking them this topic.. amybe they can help...

