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How to share old-school nvidia 3d profiles

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 7:26 pm
by iondrive
hi all,

Well, I've posted about how to share iZ3D and Tridef profiles. I might as well complete a trilogy and post about how to share old-school nvidia 3d game profiles. I have a hunch it's the same way with "new-school" 3d-vision. Does anybody know if I'm right?

The 3d settings are in the windows registry on a per-game basis.

To start the registry editor:
use the Start Menu, select "run...", and then type regedit and hit enter.

To export:
browse to the game name under (for winXP):

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\Stereo3D\GameConfigs\

Right-click on the name, select export, browse to some place to save it, choose a name and save it. It's a ".reg" file but it's plain text so you can look at it with Wordpad. Here's my Mageknight.reg file export.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\Stereo3D\GameConfigs\MageKnight]

You can post it like this or as an attatchment here or elsewhere. Just get it to someone else any way you want.

To import:
You don't need to start regedit to import, just double-click the ".reg" file and the entries in that file will be put into your windows registry and you should be good to go. Otherwise, if it's just one entry you need to add like LaserSight=1 or StereoTextureEnable=1, then you might just want to do it by hand.

Note: these settings usually only hold Converegence values and not Separation values. I think that's OK because Separation needs are different with different sized displays and people's personal preferences. Also it's quick and easy for a person to just use the hotkeys and adjust Separation for themselves. However, if you want to share Separation values, you'll just have to exit your game and write down the value you find in the nvidia s3d control window on the first page. You can read the percentage below the "stereo separation" bar but the game must have been the previous 3d game used and you must have used the "save settings" hotkey.

EDIT: I've figured out how to do per-game separation settings. More info here:" onclick=";return false;

This doesn't work:
I tried sticking a "StereoSeparation" entry in the registry under that game name but it didn't work. I tried various values but no change was seen. It might only work with OpenGL games.

Happy profile sharing,

--- iondrive ---

!!!!! WARNING !!!!!

Do not just blindly double-click on ".reg" files. Take a look inside them first (right-click, edit) and make sure they don't change things that have nothing to do with your game. If the file is just for one game, it won't be very long and should not have any references outside of the game's 3d settings directory or its grandparent directory.

!!!!! WARNING !!!!!

3d profile registry complications

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:58 pm
by iondrive
Hi all,

Normally you can guess the name that gets used in the registry for a game's 3d settings but sometimes not. If you're unsure about which entry is for your game in

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\Stereo3D\GameConfigs

then play your game in s3d and save the settings. Then go to C:\NVSTEREO.LOG and use the detailed list view and sort by "date modified" to find the most recent entry. That should be your game. For example, both "Prince of Persia, Sands of Time" and "Prince of Persia, The Two Thrones" produce a file in C:\NVSTEREO.LOG named "_NewFakeLink-###.txt". You can double-click that file and find some stats on your game like which version of DirectX it uses or if it uses OpenGL instead. Separation and Convergence values are there too, but remember that this file is only a report of the settings, the real settings that the driver uses are in the registry. In this case there is a line that says:

AppName='-007', AppRealName='_NewFakeLink'

so go to the registry and find '_NewFakeLink'. That's where the settings are for both of those games. If it seems like two games using the same registry entry is a problem, you're right. They effectively overwrite each other when you change settings. You'll have to reset that entry each time you switch between the two games. To make that easier, just export a ".reg" file for each game and double-click the correct one right before you play that game and you should be fine.

Other names that cause problems are: "NoName", "Game", and "Main". Just handle these in the same way as above and again, you should be fine. By the way, it seems like the registry tries to deal with these by making special links. We don't really need to understand that stuff any further.

--- iondrive ---