troubles a brewing at Nvidia

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One Eyed Hopeful
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troubles a brewing at Nvidia

Post by cravinmild »

It’s a shame that I now have to post here about this problem (not that MTBS is a bad place to post) but sad that Nvidia has taken a dictatorship attitude towards less than flattering posts on their 3d vision forums or reference to competing products. As a 3d vision user (when a working profile is released-which is rare lately) it’s hard to contribute when Nv has turned the dial up on damage control to the point where unless it’s a flattering post it’s altered. People spend their time to help each other which would suggest there is a problem with something in the profile/driver but to say there is a problem is a shur fire way to have the thread deleted or never get a response from Nv. Its like death has swept over the forums and threads are filling with neg responses and untrust for Nv.
What’s Nvidia problem anyways…….funding being pulled? If they spent half the time responding to questions (even if they don’t have an answer) and less time lying and hiding they may be able to get some respect back but at the rate Nv is going they can expect to shut the site down by weeks end as nothing positive is being posted and the rate of deletes will do nothing more than show a lot of white space by days end. I do not hate, I just want to use my expensive 3d system but it sits collecting dust till Nv pulls their collective heads from their arses and does some meaningful work to produce QUALITY profiles and not some half baked fix.
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Re: troubles a brewing at Nvidia

Post by Freke1 »

They have a big problem with costumer support.
When they promise to send something but don't that's a lie (sync cable).
When they say You can buy the cable on their website it's a lie.
When they don't answer support emails that's bad service.
When they stopped updating the 3D driver (a few years ago) without telling/explaining that's just rediculus. Eventually You lose patience. I will do my best to stay away from these nuttars.
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Re: troubles a brewing at Nvidia

Post by cybereality »

Trouble has been brewing at Nvidia for quite some time. That is just their MO. Nothing new here.
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Re: troubles a brewing at Nvidia

Post by Neil »

Hi Cravinmild,

Welcome to MTBS!

First, it's not necessary to cross-post across multiple forums. Many people, myself included, would have read what you have to share with just one post.

The NVIDIA forums are currently down for maintenance, so I need the opportunity to confirm your statements about locked threads, etc. It's important to remember that NVIDIA's forums are there to service their GeForce 3D Vision customers, and were never intended to reflect the interests and products of an entire industry. I'm sure you could appreciate how awkward it would be if GeForce 3D Vision users posted in official iZ3D forums or official DDD forums, etc. to blast the hosting site's products. For this reason, no single proprietary company can honestly represent the interests of their industry. This is why MTBS and eventually S3DGA was formed!

That said, while it would be great if you had positive experiences to share on MTBS, we only want honest and accurate information posted here. As long as you're tactful and your results are measurable, it is rare that you will find locked or deleted threads here. Frankly, I think it's important to print "bad" or "negative" reviews once in awhile. Game developers should care how their products look, and they won't fix anything if they don't know there are problems to solve.

One Eyed Hopeful
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Re: troubles a brewing at Nvidia

Post by cravinmild »

Hi Neil, Everyone

My bad on the multipost, clicker got the best of me. Will resist in the future. I do enjoy my 3d entertainment and very glad I invested, great things will come from this. Just a little shocked with the Nvidia business model, hoped they were above that sort of thing. All I can say is if Nv was the only offering for s3d I would still have go with them-only because s3d is really that good but seeing as there are others that offer good 3d my next set-up will not include Nvidia. I do enjoy the members of the 3d vision forums, very helpful/kind to all, Andrew tries hard too (kind of pity the guy-gets more flack then he deserves) but as far as Nvidia goes………..10 people will tell 10 people who will tell 10 people…….
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