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how synchronize 2 movies?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:13 am
by enrolao84
For merge 2d and 3d and more, any program for syncronize frames of 2 movies?


Re: how synchronize 2 movies?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:39 am
by Freke1
I use the free program "StereoMovie Maker":" onclick=";return false;
(and the keyboard PageUp/PageDown to forward/rewind one of the videos).

Re: how synchronize 2 movies?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:54 am
by enrolao84
Freke1 wrote:I use the free program "StereoMovie Maker":" onclick=";return false;
(and the keyboard PageUp/PageDown to forward/rewind one of the videos).
But it can't save all the movies syncronized, only a piece of it.

I was used it and after save the pieces, at time of join the result was wrong.

Now I use this seeing and virtualdub to delete frames (also stereomovie maker save slowly), but is very difficult - but the result with virtualdub is better.

Thanks for your help but maybe good a better solution. (any solution how virtualdub with 2 films would be quickly).

Re: how synchronize 2 movies?

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 1:03 pm
by Freke1
I would be interested in knowing what free program that splices 3D video clips together into a 3D movie. I use Windows Movie Maker with some custom files to get it to save in double width (like 2560*720 instead of 1280*720). Are there any free program or maybe not overly expencive one that are bettar?

Re: how synchronize 2 movies?

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 1:46 pm
by Likay
I think avidemux can handle this. It's quite easy to append small movieclips into a bigger one. Watch it if done any realignments in stereomoviemaker because in some case you won't be able to compress the readymade video if desired. try to keep x- and y-resolutions at a multiple of four (sometimes two). For instance: If using 640x480 native vids and you realign the left image 1 pixel horisontal then the resulting stereoimage will be 640+640-1 pixel and this isn't possible trying to use xvid/divx and probably a bunch of other codecs. It might depend a tad on which application used though since some might be able to adjust the width/height to match the codec specs.
I don't know if it's considered better than winmoviemaker but it's an alternative.

Re: how synchronize 2 movies?

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 2:01 pm
by enrolao84
Freke1 wrote:I would be interested in knowing what free program that splices 3D video clips together into a 3D movie.
I use virtualdubmod (a virtualdub variant) for that, how it has direct copy it splice 2 or more pieces in few time.

How Likay say before need have all pieces same size and format side by side.

Re: how synchronize 2 movies?

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:28 pm
by Freke1
Thank You, but my 3D clips usually are different sizes due to realigment.
If anyone uses Windows Movie Maker (Win XP) and wants to save the video in double width here is one of the edited files for the "program files/Movie Maker/Shared/profiles" folder: ... -6Mbps.prx" onclick=";return false; (edit the size stepping 4 pixel!)
The great thing about Windows Movie Maker is the videos don't have to be exact same sizes.
Doesn't allways work though. If You are on Vista or 7 maybe this will work too (editing the .prx files)?

Would be nice if there was a program that worked 100% with different size videos splicing them into a double width 3D video.

Re: how synchronize 2 movies?

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:28 pm
by efgabor
for a detailed tut see here:" onclick=";return false;