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Nolimits Coaster

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 8:22 am
by sharky
Email to the Nolmits simulator team.

nolimits AT nolomitscoaster DOT com



i am a member of

first of all sorry for my bad english.. i am italian.

I tried the demo of your simulator in S-3D. (Stereo 3d) with shutterglasses. it works very good. if you subscribe at our site and ask for certification in the contact section, you will get it! its absolutely free and there are different certification levels. the level of certification depends on how many requirements the game meets. (all requirements can be downloaded with instructions from the site. there is a programming guide)

what happens if a game gets certification?

Well a game with certification gets free advertising on the site, and a image to put on the cover of the game or on the webpage. if you want more information check the site!

as soon as the sim gets certification i, and many other users will buy it. We are around 1000 users, and we are all waiting for the first Gold certification member. try it..

