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3D Home Video Rig

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:21 pm
by ComPH
You guys maybe intersested in making your own 3D rig like this one:" onclick=";return false; . Enjoy...

Re: 3D Home Video Rig

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:59 pm
by cybereality
First off: Welcome to the forum!

Secondly: Dude, that has got to be the ultimate home-made stereo rig!!!! The quality looked nice and that steadycam thing you have is amazing. Its so smooth I don't believe it. I might have to get on of those, all my videos come out really shaky. Anyway, I also have to say that this is the first YT3D video I have seen with any meaningful pop-out. That part near the end where you stick the remote at the camera it came out of my screen and almost poked me in the eye! Nice job.

Re: 3D Home Video Rig

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:54 pm
by ComPH
You are most kind. I really appreciate your understanding of the technology. Some of the issues can be solved with better gear, but there are so many techniques to using that gear properly, it is amazingly long learning curve. The pop-outs have to be used sparingly and tastefully, otherwise this all will be forever just a cheap trick toy, not a serious useful technology ultimately replacing 2D. It has a lot to offer to sports, travel, etc. I saw your air museum piece, and it is very nice indeed. It is shaking as you walk, but the 3D is done right. The stabilizer solves most of the issues. Extra weight actually makes the whole rig much smoother, but it is tiresome to do it for long, so I got the wrist supporter. Again, thanks for the kind words.

Re: 3D Home Video Rig

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:04 pm
by Freke1
The setup looks impressive!

Re: 3D Home Video Rig

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:41 am
by ComPH
I've lightened the original rig and use Steadicam Merlin to make it more portable. Just trying to inspire some of you guys. Here is a YouTube link:" onclick=";return false;. Better quality (but anaglyphic - requiring glasses) are at these sites:" onclick=";return false; and ... 9b928e0d7/" onclick=";return false;. The system is quite light and portable, and I am really enjoying it.