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My new stereo rig (dual Vado HDs)

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:20 pm
by cybereality
So I finally received my Vado HDs! Missed the delivery so I had to go to the post office to pick them up. Got home and ripped those suckers open. I also got some various accessories from Amazon and also the twin camera bar I had gotten from Berezin last week. Check it out:
Parts list:
Creative VadoHD 720P Camera: $100 x 2
Jasper Engineering 6" Twin Camera Bar: $70
Barska Accu-Grip Hand-Held Mount: $15
CamGrip: $10 (not used)
Micro-fiber Pouch: $10

And here is how it looks once I put it together:
All in all it cost me a little over $300 and so far I am really happy. The weight is really low, the camera grip feels nice and solid, and it looks great. Before I put the stereo rig together I did some quick tests with the VadoHD in my house and the video quality looked decent. So after I had the whole thing mounted I took it outside to do a real 3D test. Now here is the bad part. Not even 5 minutes in the field and one of the cameras crashed! After I hit the record button to stop a recording, it usually shows an hourglasses for a few seconds while it saves. However the camera would not come back, it just froze on the hourglass screen. None of the buttons worked, I couldn't shut it off!!! The only way to restart it was to remove the battery. However, it was mounted on the bar and you need an allen-key wrench to take it off (which was at my house). So I had to come home to reboot the camera. Really friggin' annoying. I did some more tests with this one camera and it hasn't crashed since. I think I might send it back to exchange for another but I will see how it holds up. Maybe it was just a fluke. Anyway, I am going to need a little time to process the footage I did get, so I will see if I can post to YT3D later tonight. Aside from the camera crashing, everything about the whole rig seems really cool. I will be doing some serious testing this weekend, so hopefully the cameras will hold up.

Re: My new stereo rig (dual Vado HDs)

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 9:35 pm
by WheatstoneHolmes
Bummer about that crashed cam :(

The rig looks great, can't wait to see the results! :D

Re: My new stereo rig (dual Vado HDs)

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:16 pm
by cybereality
Ok, I posted a quick test on YouTube (although I admit it looks really shabby):" onclick=";return false;

I had to convert the video a few times, from AVI to MPG and then back to AVI due to some weird issues with the codecs on my computer. I think I lost a lot of quality. I was getting some nice quality with WMV, but unfortunately StereoMovie Maker doesn't support it. Also the aspect ratio is off on YouTube, I have to figure that one out. And the 3D effect is marginal, at best. But hey, it was just my first test.

Re: My new stereo rig (dual Vado HDs)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:57 pm
by Freke1
Looks very nice.
Someone used a YT tag for aspect ratio, not sure if it works?

Edit: If You add: &hd=1 to the url You get the right Aspect Ratio (I think).

Re: My new stereo rig (dual Vado HDs)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:16 pm
by WheatstoneHolmes
Yeah, it looks very compressed but you are getting some good depth, nice first video, especially considering you had camera problems happening.


EDIT: How did you sync them?

Re: My new stereo rig (dual Vado HDs)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:32 pm
by Likay
This is quite nice! Would also love to see how it looks when codecs are issued out. It looks way quite decent already! :D

Re: My new stereo rig (dual Vado HDs)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:29 pm
by martinlandau
"ripped those suckers open" LOL! That's my bro! There is NOTHING like ripping open some new stereo3d toys to play with! ;) Can't wait to hear more of your s3d filming adventures Cyber.

Re: My new stereo rig (dual Vado HDs)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 9:58 pm
by cybereality
WheatstoneHolmes wrote: How did you sync them?
Well I did buy a pro quality stop watch (accurate to 1/1000 of a second) but I didn't use it for that quick test. I just synced it up by eye in Adobe Premiere. However this was really annoying, so I am going to try with the stop watch when I do some more tests tomorrow. Just pressing the record buttons at the same time is not a viable option.

Re: My new stereo rig (dual Vado HDs)

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 5:42 am
by Freke1
A 3D camera is fun. What do You do with Adobe Premier?

Re: My new stereo rig (dual Vado HDs)

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:59 am
by cybereality
Freke1 wrote:A 3D camera is fun. What do You do with Adobe Premier?
I was using Premiere so I could sync and correct the video. Basically I shifted one video about a half a second and I also had to move one of the videos up like 20 pixels (the vertical alignment was off). Luckily the twin camera bar I have included a 2-axis bubble level but I didn't get a chance to use it. The workflow in Premiere is less than optimal though, I might have a look at that Make3D plugin for Vegas.

Re: My new stereo rig (dual Vado HDs)

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 1:33 pm
by Freke1
the RAW Vado avi's import into StereoMovie Maker fine... :idea: (instead of Premier).

Re: My new stereo rig (dual Vado HDs)

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:00 pm
by cybereality
Ok, so I got a lot of footage today. Went to the American Museum of Natural History and recorded over 1 hour of raw video. The cameras held up fine, no glitches or crashes (hopefully that crash was a one time deal). The battery life seems great, had the camera on in standby for around 2 hours (recording for a little over 1 hour) and they still had half full battery. And the video quality is pretty nice in a well lit environment. In low-light it gets a little grainy but still better than some other cameras I've seen in that respect. Overall I am pretty happy with the Vado's so far, and the Barska grip makes holding the cameras very comfortable.

I did get some strange looks from people wondering what I was doing, and a few people asked me questions. The first guy asked "Is that the latest toy?", and I said "Yeah". He asked where I got it and I told him: "I made it". LOL! The second guy, an old white guy, asked me if I was shooting a 3D movie. I told him I was just doing some tests for YouTube. Then he asked if it needs glasses and I said "I already have them." The third dude, this Japanese guy, was like "thats a 3D camera?". I said yeah, he asked where to buy one and I told him you just need 2 regular cameras. I was pretty surprised there was even anyone that knew about 3D, so that is a good sign.

Anyway, its going to take a while to go through all that footage, but I did edit out one short clip and things look a lot better than that initial test I did. You can see the sample here:" onclick=";return false;

As it turns out I didn't need Premiere at all. What I did was use VirtualDub to sync the raw footage and output an AVI via "direct stream copy" so I wouldn't lose any quality. Then I imported those clips into StereoMovie Maker. In order to output a cross-eyed video I had to import the videos in reverse (right source for left view and vice-versa) then I outputted using the "side-by-side" option. Set the option to resize and resample to true, and set the width to half (640x720 instead of 1280x720). Then I uploaded the 1280x720 stereo file to YouTube using the "yt3d:aspect=16:9" tag to restore the proper aspect ratio. So far I am pretty happy with the quality, but I will see if I can get it a little better.

Also, I was using that Robic stop-watch to get some timecode sync for the cameras. This was very helpful when editing the videos to have a picture perfect timecode on the video to sync to. First problem was that the LCD wasn't backlit so it was very difficult to see half of the time. There is a backlit version but I found out about it like 5 minutes after the one I got had already shipped. Second issue is that the one-thousandth position on the LCD screen doesn't update. It just shows "8" until you stop it. So while it is technically accurate to 1/1000 of a second, it doesn't display so it is useless for my purposes. This is pretty obvious in retrospect because no way that dinky LCD screen could be 1000Hz (duh!). So I could have just used the chrono on my watch and been fine. I still do like the stopwatch though, and I will probably get another one thats smaller and has a backlight. Plus, now that I only need accuracy to 1/100 of a second I have a lot more choices.

Re: My new stereo rig (dual Vado HDs)

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 10:35 pm
by Freke1
Yeah, older people know what a 3D camera is :D
Very nice video quality.

Re: My new stereo rig (dual Vado HDs)

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:34 am
by Likay
It's a funny story you tells about comments you get about your camera. :D
I agree with Freke about knowledge about stereo-3d among older people. "It's like: Cool! I did some experimenting with 3d but it was quite some time ago! It's fun it still exists."
Most people if saying anything just asks "Why do you have two?". :roll: