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Make3D v1.1.5.2 3D Video Production Toolkit released

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:31 am
by dbritta1
The Medtron Make3D v1.1.5.2 Stereoscopic 3D Toolkit is available at:

Please post ALL questions about Make3D and other Medtron software at:

Make3D, Make3D_Split and Make3D_Delete are application extensions for the Sony Vegas Pro multi-track media-editing software system, and are designed to work with high definition video files. The Make3D Stereoscopic 3D Toolkit provides a complete 3D workflow inside Vegas. From importing camera files to rendering final output, there are tools that help you perform the many tasks necessary to create professional stereoscopic 3D productions.

Version Release Notes:
Added support for Horizontally and / or Vertically Mirrored video files.
Added Thumbnail (*.M3T) files to improve Make3D workflow.
Added “Bypass Camera Sync and Align Procedures” tool.
Added German template finding.
Changed “Create LR Jpgs” tool to “Create LR Data”.
Moved WAV file creation to “Create LR Data” tool.
Improved and fixed “Find Camera Alignment” tool.
Improved “Diagnostics” tool.
Fixed template finding bugs.
Fixed “Adjust 3D Pan Crop” bugs.

The Make3D workflow is divided into the following logical steps:
Create video pairs from raw camera files.
Time synchronize and align video pairs.
Automatically create the 3D Timeline.
Edit, convert and adjust the 3D Timeline.
Render the 3D Timeline.

Create Video Pairs from raw input files:
* Create Directories tool - creates new working directory and empty LEFT and RIGHT subdirectories to hold the raw camera files.
* Change Video Ext tool (may be required) - browses for a video file that is used to select the working Video Extension.
* Import Left Videos tool - imports raw camera files from the left camera.
* Import Right Videos tool - imports raw camera files from the right camera.
* Create L R Data tool - creates JPG and Thumbnail files for use by the Verify Video Pairs tool and WAV files for use by the Find Audio Clicks tool.
* Verify Video Pairs tool - used to find and disable orphan video files.

Time Synchronize and Align Video Pairs:
* Renumber Videos tool - renames and moves the video files and WAV files from the LEFT and RIGHT subdirectories to the working directory.
* Create WAV files tool - obsolete - this is now done by the Create L R Data tool.
* Find Audio Clicks tool - uses the WAV files to time synchronize the left and right video files. The Start Frame data for the left and right video files are stored in Click (*_C.txt) files for use by the Create Jpg Files tool.
* Create Jpg Files tool - extracts the Start Frame data from the Click files and creates start frame JPG files from the left and right video files for use by the Find Camera Alignment tool.
* Find Camera Alignment tool - uses the left and right JPG files to correct camera alignment problems. The camera alignment data is stored in Align (*_A.txt) files for use by the Create New 3D Timeline and Append 3D Videos tools.

Automatically Create the 3D Timeline:
* Change Directory tool - allows 3D Pairs from different directories to be added to the 3D Timeline.
* Change Video Ext tool (may be required) - browses for a video file that is used to select a temporary Video Ext.
* Create New 3D Timeline - allows selection of 3D Video file pairs to be added to the new 3D Timeline. Creates a new 3D Timeline and uses data in the Align files to create synchronized and aligned subclips, and adds necessary events to the 3D Timeline.
* Insert 3D Videos tool - allows insertion of additional 3D Video file pairs to the 3D Timeline.
* Insert 3D Photos tool - allows insertion of 3D Photo still image pairs to the 3D Timeline.

Edit, Convert and Adjust the 3D Timeline:
* Convert 3D Timeline tool - quickly changes the 3D Timeline format between Anaglyph, Dual Stream or Side-By-Side 3D formats.
* Adjust 3D Pan Crop tool - allows you to Zoom and Position events in the 3D Timeline, and also allows changing the camera alignment settings. The use of separate Start and End Keyframes allows dynamic 3D PanCrop effects.
* Make3D Split tool - is a separate Vegas extension that splits the 3D Timeline at the current cursor position.
* Make3D Delete tool - is a separate Vegas extension that deletes selected events from the 3D Timeline.
* Sync Left tool - allows frame-by-frame resynchronization of the 3D Timeline.
* Sync Right tool - allows frame-by-frame resynchronization of the 3D Timeline.

Render the 3D Timeline:
* Render Timeline - tool uses the current 3D format to automatically render the existing 3D Timeline in NTSC, PAL or IVTC Film frame rates. Multiple render size options are available for both WMV and MPEG-2 output formats.

Re: Make3D v1.1.5.2 3D Video Production Toolkit released

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:41 am
by cybereality
Sounds impressive. I'm going to have to give this a try as soon as I get my stereo-rig together.

Re: Make3D v1.1.5.2 3D Video Production Toolkit released

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:09 pm
by Freke1
This is great news for all of us who make 3D videos. I really appreciate software that makes things easy.
There's a few things that I can't do at the moment (make 3D title/text on videoclips + kool transitions between clips + avoid multiple compressions) with StereoMovie Maker and Windows Movie Maker so I'm looking towards Sony Vegas and Make3D but haven't got them yet.
If a lot of people start making 3D homevideos (which I think will happen) there need to be some excellent software.
Have You thought about making a 3D version of Virtual Dub's deshaker filter? HD videos often are shaky.

Re: Make3D v1.1.5.2 3D Video Production Toolkit released

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:22 pm
by dbritta1
I may look into this, but deshaking left and right videos together may be very tricky.