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the MORON thread

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 3:00 pm
by yuriythebest
Right, there are so many ostensibly "3d" vids on youtube that are actually created by degenerate monoscopers that do not know a thing about 3d. If you stumble upon such a vid post it here!
Faults can rage from simple misuse of the yt3d tag on "normal" videos down to more egregious errors.
Doing a simple youtube search for yt3d will instantly give you a plethora of variegated retardation...


Some first vids:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:33 pm
by Welder
I think we should be careful with insulting people who do not know about 3D ;)

You make a TON of 3D videos Yuriy, all linking back here... What if someone new, decides to do more research, then finds this site, and finds all these negative postings about people unaware about 3D. Kinda sounds a little Elitest ;)

I think we should be supportive of people trying to figure out 3D, not bash them.

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:40 pm
by yuriythebest
Welder wrote:I think we should be careful with insulting people who do not know about 3D ;)
hmm I'll take that into account- but haven't you already done that with your previous marketing campaign where you show that fat nerdy kid near the old computer? :mrgreen: I'll set up a poll to gage the communities opinion on this

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 6:40 pm
by cybereality

Its amazing that these people don't notice anything wrong with the video. I mean, I knew people were uninformed about 3D but this really explains *A LOT*. I mean, you think these kids would have been to a 3D movie by now, or at least seen something in 3D. A theme-park ride, a comic book, anything. Even if they never saw one you'd at least think they had a clue. Even that is assuming too much, I suppose. At least people are talking about 3D. Won't be long before they stumble upon something that is in true 3d.

EDIT: OMG, there is even more:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Just sad really.

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 8:37 pm
by Neil
I have to agree with Welder on this one.

MTBS is an advocacy group, and I see no cause to educate by putting people down. These are people who have expressed an interest in 3D without understanding how it works.

Yuriy, I'm sure you of all people will agree that there is a learning curve with S-3D. :D

I'd be appreciative if you could get rid of the poll. Instead, just share a link in their comments section pointing to one of your tutorials so they can do it the right way. I think they would be receptive to that.


Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 8:42 pm
by Likay
I was a bit harsch myself on the other thread about wrong understanding about how 3d works. However i really did mean that these videos only confuses more than making any good. I just wonder how many more of these we will see...
A "nicer" approach than i seen in some replys on youtube seems appropriate though. People doing this doesn't really know.

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 10:54 am
by BlackShark
I have also spent some time telling these people that they were not producing any 3D.
Some of them had positive reactions but one started to insult me.

I think most of these don't have a clue about what is requied to make a 3D video and just want to try a new Youtube feature to look cool and interesting. (interesting = not the 3D feature, but the new youtube thing whatever it is). Most of the guys (all kids) doing pseudo-tutorials don't even own any pair of 3D glasses.

I think the only good course of action is to tell them they are not producing 3D, that they need to film with two cameras and ask them to remove their test video because it doesn't work.

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:30 pm
by anotherFrench
when I made my firsts 3D vidéos I was aware that they were very bad but I still wanted to post them (on youtube and mtbs) so some people would tell me what I was doing wrong and give me some advises to make better ones but instead I get some "they are nice, make more".
all people who post vidéos don't do it just to show off, some also try to post them to talk about that and try to learn with the help of others
but ok, you want some bad 3D vids, I'll just post my own then :mrgreen:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:33 am
by yuriythebest
anotherFrench wrote:when I made my firsts 3D vidéos I was aware that they were very bad but I still wanted to post them (on youtube and mtbs) so some people would tell me what I was doing wrong and give me some advises to make better ones but instead I get some "they are nice, make more".
all people who post vidéos don't do it just to show off, some also try to post them to talk about that and try to learn with the help of others
but ok, you want some bad 3D vids, I'll just post my own then :mrgreen:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
yeah those don't technically work, but at least you had a general idea of what it was you were doing (trying to preserve intelacing for youtube), so your videos are not as egregious

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:15 am
by martinlandau
Probably my first NICE experience with s3d was captain EO with our dearly departed MJ :( I had tried the crosseyed stuff I had seen with pictures in the library, but it didn't excite me, but EO did.

So when the eyescream glasses came out I got it to play the first tombraider - whoa loved the s3d - lara croft's s3d body busting out of the monitor - YES! but - OUCH - headache within just a few minutes - it made me get in arguement with my girlfriend and she dumped me (maybe it wasn't the headache, maybe it was she wasn't lara croft - LOL - no it was the headache) - so I shelved it and let it collect dust for years, not gonna use anything that make me hurt! Didn't even bother to educate myself. I had put the seperation way too high to get lots stereo effect and didn't know what I was doing - yes high tech martinlandau really screwed the pooch on that one ;) I was space:1899, not 1999! LOL! Years later I wanted to learn about augmented reality stuff cause that Kotu guy was in it and got the z800 and read and learned a lot more, even came here for some game help and at the start felt I was being neglected and shunned by people who had knowledge in thier brain I needed but I couldn't get enough questions answered. Negative experiences only embolden me these days though, not discourage LOL! When you are trying to learn new things, you really want the wise old graybeards to give you some attention and include you, but they are too busy sometimes.

So I spent mega time reading everything I could on the internet (thank you google) and here and other places and upgraded from z800 to iz3d for gaming purposes and finally I had decent gaming solution. It was long process, and I can easily see how people without the time will just pass s3d over. Everyone that is s3d newbie that I talk too I try to make it clear at the start that s3d can make eyes hurt until they adjust and muscles get trained and not too massive seperation, or else they will probably do like I did with eyescream glasses. Let me give recent history, I went to the dragoncon meeting just last week with probably some of the top gamers for WOW and other games that will hugely benefit from s3d. They had folks there from, and the developers for Global Agenda, sony online entertainment, EA, age of conan etc etc. Also a few nasa people, us air force, nuclear reactor designers, Ga Tech CS students and professors, leet folks you know! Not simpleton high tech redneck ;)

I talked to many many people there, and only 1 person had even really heard of s3d gaming, and I show him iz3d monitor and he say oh yah, that is that new nvidia stuff right? It sorta surprised me cause I also assumed with all the s3d movies that had already been realeased, people would be more familiar with the tech and how it could enhance thier gaming - especially those leet people. You have to be gentle with these people, because they are really smart, and have an ego sometimes and it sometimes is justified, and you insult them if you approach them in antogonistic way that you are cool stereoscoper and they are loser luddite monoscoper - LOL!

So it is like welder and neil say, an education process at this point. Still I think with all the s3d movies, the s3d youtube, s3d gaming and especially our own s3d engadget celebrity Yuri, the religion is going to spread, you just have to love and forgive the masses and convert them through example and patience. Black over at iz3d already asking you Yuri if you interested in coming to the con so you can spread the word to the uninitiated Yuri.

I used to work in large corporate culture. I can't even begin to tell you how people getting off into thier own fiefdoms not only hurt the company, the consumers and customers, but our whole planet from delayed progress because of silly politics and beliefs. Later on they brought in some great people to bust up all that sillyness and I think it really did wonders for the company and consumers, but I have went on to long and even put myself to sleep.

Anyways you have seen me and neil here already get into it over s3d filming of these confernces he attends - so even I am not immune to my own sillyness ;) Sometimes we anger people we just really want to help, but we don't see eye to eye (pun intended)

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:00 am
by yuriythebest
wow martin! your loquacious self as always :)
Yeah, it's a dilema- 3d is an as of yet still an obscure subject, so as always a stratagem is needed for its promulgation. Some like the softy-softy approach, I prefer to attack from all angles- in many of my videos, especially the early ones I explain all the basics in a newbie-friendly way, I realize many might simply not have seen those videos, however information about stereoscopic 3d is not exactly secret- anyone can look it up on wikipedia or even youtube and get a good general understanding of it. Remember that this thread doesn't bash the common monoscoper, just those egregious enough to bring obfuscation to our creed by their not even bothering to google the actual use of the 3d tags that they either used in their videos or indeed made tutorial videos about. Generally I am very understanding of newbies, heck I didn't know what "true" 3d was not too long ago, however spreading misinformation on 3d is not something I condone.

About dragoncon- I am in contact with BlackQ about this, though whether or nor I'll be able to get all the paperwork in time in order for my bureaucratic government to actually let me go is another issue altogether. Worst case scenario I won't make it to this dragoncon but at least I'll have everything in order to be able to quickly mobilize next time.

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 7:24 pm
by cybereality
Yeah, I don't mind if someone is an idiot. The world is full of them. What bothers me is that these people are spreading their stupidity among the population. Thats just unacceptable. Then a bunch of people are going to see these bogus "3D videos" on YouTube, think it doesn't work, and then get a bad first impression of 3D. If you look in the comments of those posts you can see how confused people are, only a very few, if any, realize its not 3D. I'm glad YouTube implemented the feature, but I can't help but feel like it got too much attention prematurely. If things don't change this might actually be a set-back for 3D, not a boon.

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:29 pm
by UndeadD3vi1
cybereality wrote:Yeah, I don't mind if someone is an idiot. The world is full of them. What bothers me is that these people are spreading their stupidity among the population. Thats just unacceptable. Then a bunch of people are going to see these bogus "3D videos" on YouTube, think it doesn't work, and then get a bad first impression of 3D. If you look in the comments of those posts you can see how confused people are, only a very few, if any, realize its not 3D. I'm glad YouTube implemented the feature, but I can't help but feel like it got too much attention prematurely. If things don't change this might actually be a set-back for 3D, not a boon.
Completly agree.

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:41 am
by martinlandau
The past few days I finally left my cave after about 3 months of no real sunlight and had to test if the vampire blood has finally took me over ;) I went to many tv sales places, tv repair places looking for mistubishi hdtvs. I went to many chop shops and street racing enthusiasts looking for a sparco seat. Visited a couple airforce pilot friends that are big into flight sims. Nobody had seen s3d gaming! Several had heard of it, and even one of the street racing guys said his friend with a frexgp had an iz3d monitor, but he had never seen it. This guy will spend several thousand a week on a car upgrade or even his pesonal racing sim rig, but not test out a 300 dollar iz3d s3d monitor he can get from ebay or newegg. I tried to encourage him, but he was busy with an engine mod for his car.

It was a big letdown. Locally I believe we have imax3d in 3 imax theaters. Dolby 3d in 2 local theaters. REal D in 4 local theaters. So 3d movies are ALL OVER my area and so few people seem to have been exposed. These are the people I would expect to have more leetness than the average hightech redneck. It's like lee majors in the 6 million dollar man, we have the technology. No one knows about it though!

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 7:06 pm
by cybereality
martinlandau wrote:It's like lee majors in the 6 million dollar man, we have the technology. No one knows about it though!
Yeah, I know but I just don't get it. I mean, not a day goes by there isn't another article or blog post about 3D being "the next big thing." Major sites like Gizmodo, Engadget, etc. always have posts when a new 3D display is shown at trade shows. Nvidia has been pushing 3D *hard* with their 3D-Vision with all the major tech sites (TomsHardware, etc.) getting review samples. Disney, Dreamworks and other studios have been been releasing a steady flow of 3D movies about every month with tons of ads promoting "in digital-3D" and even some lenticular posters. Not to mention the whole YouTube3D and all the attention it got. And still, people have no clue. It just doesn't make sense.

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:04 pm
by Jadentheman
Maybe it they have an article on news channels like MSNBC or CNN

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:23 pm
by cybereality
OMG, there are even more morons posting "tutorials":" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

This has really got to stop. I can't take it.

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 7:33 am
by yuriythebest
cybereality wrote:OMG, there are even more morons posting "tutorials":
This has really got to stop. I can't take it.

hmm, if the majority of the world believes this is the correct way, perhaps it is we who are wrong :|

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 7:55 am
by anotherFrench
well it seems that the majority of the world is changing her mind already, from the vids in your first post many are not available anymore :D
maybe those M... (sorry, still don't like to call people that way, or maybe just those who post tutorials :mrgreen: ) just need a little time to understand how wrong they are

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:32 am
by Likay
Well, none of the options in the poll is really suitable. There's no need to really bash people for doing this because i think they simply don't know that the original media has to be 3d as well. Trying to inform them in a kind way would work wonder. No need to degrade people just for misunderstanding things.
These guys and their friends might very well be future potential s-3d users. There's interest right? sort of....

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 6:26 pm
by cybereality
Likay wrote:Trying to inform them in a kind way would work wonder.
Thats what you would think, but these guys are fighting tooth and nail insisting that it *IS* 3D.

Just for example, check the comments on this video:" onclick=";return false;

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 7:48 pm
by Likay
Lol. Writing a kind comment. I believe you have my support though.

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:58 am
by crim3
I would spread death and grief without mercy through the world (flame thrower prefered). And I'll extract one eye ball to those who survive the first destruction wave as it seems they don't need two eyes either.
Just one more option to kindly help people understand what's the use of having two forward looking eyes.


Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:30 pm
by yuriythebest
this one made me chuckle ... -fresh+div" onclick=";return false;

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:04 pm
by anotherFrench
is this Arnold from "Diff'rent Strokes" ? :shock:

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 6:04 pm
by cybereality
yuriythebest wrote:this one made me chuckle ... -fresh+div" onclick=";return false;

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:16 am
by cybereality
LOL:" onclick=";return false;

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 9:01 am
by yuriythebest
cybereality wrote:
yuriythebest wrote:this one made me chuckle ... -fresh+div" onclick=";return false;

I re-checked this guys videos and at least he now corrected himself in the description.

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 10:03 am
by cybereality
yuriythebest wrote:I re-checked this guys videos and at least he now corrected himself in the description.
I guess thats something. There was also one dude I really ripped up and after that he made the video private.

Honestly, I feel bad for the kid now. Look at some of the recent comments, its sad really.

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 10:28 am
by yuriythebest
cybereality wrote: Honestly, I feel bad for the kid now. Look at some of the recent comments, its sad really.

relax. we are the moderates of the internet- for every educated comment we make there is 100 people or more that will post something silly.
learning to take in a flood of negative comments is something every one who plans to be anyone on the Internet must learn- be it youtube or newgrounds.
For instance, I've recieved some pretty silly comments on my spacehunter review, but since the video got 55,000 views, there are bound to be 10-15 people who post nasty stuff, I am just glad I got so many views :)

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:12 am
by Welder
Look at this video of his:" onclick=";return false;
He has Muscular Dystrophy and is in a wheel chair.. yet everyone is so mean to him =/

Sad how society is really.

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:22 am
by yuriythebest
Welder wrote:Look at this video of his:" onclick=";return false;
He has Muscular Dystrophy and is in a wheel chair.. yet everyone is so mean to him =/

Sad how society is really.

yup very sad :| his accent is quite nice :)

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:55 am
by cybereality
Welder wrote:Look at this video of his:" onclick=";return false;
He has Muscular Dystrophy and is in a wheel chair.. yet everyone is so mean to him =/
Sad how society is really.
Oh man, now I feel *really* bad for the kid. I had no idea. I actually got into an accident last year and I was in a wheel-chair for like 4 months, man did that suck. You really don't realize how hard it is to get by without being about to walk around. I can't even imagine how bad it would be to be like that for life.

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:56 am
by Neil
I shared a comment on his personal site. I think he has some real talent worth sharpening. :P


Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 5:53 pm
by anotherFrench
it wasn't the best start but the kid had a test at 3D, maybe soon we'll see him again featuring in a real dual cam 3D production :mrgreen:

Re: the MORON thread

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:21 am
by martinlandau
Hey I ride around in powered wheelchair now Cyber - everybody at siggraph was very helpful and friendly helping me getting it charged up! I can't even count all the times that handicapped dude saved the Enterprise, my hero! I remember one episode, they wouldn't have survived without geordi's disability! Kunte Kinte broke thos chains of slavery! The vets I volunteer with at the VA, constantly inspiring what these disabled humans can achieve!