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3D Monitors, HD TV/Monitors

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:57 am
Greetings All!, I have spent several months "Lurking" this site and several others... Even more confused. I have used high-end 3D, Army and just finished Photogrammetry Class, (Watched 1st game, why I'm here mostly) Old guy, 4 years Computers. Current Rigs P-4, XP MCE 2005, (TV quit working, so out came the ATI xl-800, tried FireGL V-7200 & now, V-7700) 3.2GHz (Single) 4GB Ram, & Laptop , HP HDX 16us, Dual core P-8600 (2.4GHz) 4GB Ram, Nvidia 9600GT,Win 7 RC, 64bit. College Student (Again) Main use ACAD, have Civil and Mech. 2009 & 2010, on both. Going to try 3D max. (30 day Lic. only) then a game or 2. Need new monitor (750 max, unless HDtv ect) 22-32in. ATI set-up IZ3D (Outstanding Support, Poss. poor 2/D though) about it. Nvidia; Samsung 2233RZ or Hyundai W220S. seems about right. Do want 120Hz Monitor. New desktop & Quadro FX 5500, later this year. Here's the confusing part. The "new" HDTVs/Monitors, and HDTVs (120Hz & 240Hz) or even Dual Monitors. Auto-Stereoscopic would be nice, but, Polarized glasses seam to be most in use for most of my "work" endeavors. Hence, a Quadro and most likely my Laptop too. This has me very confused with all the "New" stuff coming out and a fair outlay involved, so, would appreciate any advice, before hand. Thanks

Re: 3D Monitors, HD TV/Monitors

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:02 am
by yuriythebest
hi WCARD! welcome to MTBS!

I have trouble understranding the exact nature of your question- is it "what's the best 3D Monitor, HD TV/Monitor"?

if so this question is way too broad- all solutions have their pros, cons and different prices. please be more specific.
Also if you are interested in any specific 3d solution mtbs has numerous threads- just use the search function and find ye shall :)

Re: 3D Monitors, HD TV/Monitors

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:27 am
Thanks, I am thinking currently; IZ3d as this seams to be the only Monitor that works with ATI and just spent a lot on ATI cards, hate to dump (3wks "Old"). My Laptop currently has Nivida and will switch over to Quadros, long term and this seams pretty cut and dried (Nivida). I don't know about the "New" 240Hz HDTVs and wondering about how the "New" 120Hz. LCD HDTV/Monitors, all fit in. The best advice Ive seen is there too new, wait and see. I guess so, and will buy another good 2D in the mean time, as it will be decades, before my Profession's adopt 3D. Many Worldwide firms still run Win 2000 and most major clients are not even considering it (3D). I don't game yet and it seams to be a hassle. I do like the fact the high end game cards are cheaper, and for Home use. I probably don't need this. So, will try the 3d max on a 30K+Planar Monitor (Only work stuff at work though, they check too LOL) Thanks for your time and have spent many hours on your site Enjoyed it. I will head back to my world. I guess work and play don't mix well.

Re: 3D Monitors, HD TV/Monitors

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:28 am
by yuriythebest
WCARD wrote:Thanks, I am thinking currently; IZ3d as this seams to be the only Monitor that works with ATI and just spent a lot on ATI cards,/quote]

you are right, iz3d works beautifully with both Nvidia and Ati cards
So, will try the 3d max on a 30K+Planar Monitor (Only work stuff at work though, they check too LOL)
about 3ds max + iz3d - support is promised, though it has not yet arrived. - that is for having the viewports in real time stereoscopic 3d, however it's totally possible- and in fact I have been doing just that in recent days, is creating a virtual dual camera rig in 3ds max and rendering the separate views, combining them using stereo photo maker and then voila- you have a 3d image that you can view on the 3d monitor! Of course to get a good 3d effect you need to be able to preview it somehow- I have the left and right views open side by side and am able to preview and adjust the effect crosseyed- though being able to view crosseyed images takes time to master though now it's second nature to me and very easy, though an alternative method is anaglyph (red/blue glasses) preview- the latest or upcoming version of 3ds max should have this I think though haven't checked. I think there is a monitor that already has 3ds max realtime preview, but it's in the "professional" price range. so yeah- those are some things to consider.

Re: 3D Monitors, HD TV/Monitors

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:51 pm
by cybereality
If you are already set with an ATI card, then the IZ3D monitor is just about your best option. They have really good support for modern games and I think it will be very easy for a beginner to jump in and have fun. They are also very affordable right now, under $400, so thats probably what you are looking for.

Re: 3D Monitors, HD TV/Monitors

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:48 am
by BlackShark
You can use oth iZ3D and the Zalman screen which works with both nvidia and iz3d drivers.
The monitor is interlaced so if your application supports interlaced 3D displays, you'll have native support.

Out of the two solutions :
Zalman : passive, best image quality but half resolution
IZ3D : passive, full resolution but more ghosting