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customize iz3d lasersight?

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:55 am
by neobloodlineOC
I know it is possible but I haven't seen the details posted anyplace. You have to edit the config and point it to the new lasersight pic. Can someone post the exact directions so it can be out in the world and obvious? What file format must the pic be? Where on the HD must it be for the path in the config to work? Any other technical details? I am a blender3d veteran and can whip up some fancy schmancy crosshairs and the like but I would like to know how to get them to work :woot I was right on the verge of buying one of the Iz3d monitors till the US economy tanked so now I'm using the anaglyph with my Benq 241wz (which is awesome with "perfect motion" turned on).

Re: customize iz3d lasersight?

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 5:16 am
by UndeadD3vi1
Copied from iz3D Driver Manual :roll:

Question: Drivers Lasersight doesnt suit me, can I change it?
Answer: Yes, you can. To do so open config file, set “LaserSightIconIndex Value” parameter to “0”, and point a path to custom crosshair at “CustomLaserSightIconPath Value"

Re: customize iz3d lasersight?

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 7:10 am
by Tril
It does not say if the file is a BMP or an ICO file or something else. It does not say what are the supported resolutions either. We need the programmers of iZ3D to tell us the exact format.

I did some experiments. I tried different file formats. I tried with a picture that is 36x36.
BMP : shows my picture doubled in a strange way
GIF : shows a white square
JPG : shows my picture doubled in a strange way
PNG : shows my picture doubled in a strange way
TIFF : shows a white square

Looks like it supports BMP, JPG and PNG, but the resolution I used is wrong.

Then I tried different resolutions.
16x16 : doubled in a strange way
32x32 : shows my pattern in squished vertically and shown twice
64x64 : shows up correctly in a resolution of 36x36

You can do one with transparency. I tried with a png with transparency and it works.

You can make one with animation. I tried to make a png with a resolution of 128x64 and I put two pictures side-by-side in it. It displays them one after the other. It switches between them very fast so you probably need to make many intermediate pictures if you want a slow moving lasersight.

CustomLaserSightIconPath takes the full path to the picture. To quickly test your lasersight, just fire up the dynamic test in the driver control center.

Re: customize iz3d lasersight?

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 8:12 am
by UndeadD3vi1
Tril wrote:You can make one with animation. I tried to make a png with a resolution of 128x64 and I put two pictures side-by-side in it. It displays them one after the other. It switches between them very fast so you probably need to make many intermediate pictures if you want a slow moving lasersight.
I like the sounds of a animated crosshair, I wouldn't have expected that. Bugging BlackQ to add the appropriate frame delays would be a better option than a 2000 frame crosshair png.

Re: customize iz3d lasersight?

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:35 am
by Welder
Hello everyone, our developer who created this is on vacation unfortunately, But I seem to remember that the resolution may have been 25x25, so you may want to give that a try. It was divisible by 5 if I remember correctly, so maybe 15, 25, 35.

Otherwise, watch this topic for a reply:" onclick=";return false;

Sorry I can't help you more than that at this time

Re: customize iz3d lasersight?

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:52 pm
by neobloodlineOC
Thank you all for your replies. I hope we get it all ironed out. The default lasersight is irritating!

Re: customize iz3d lasersight?

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 4:31 pm
by Welder
An update from x0ras(A fellow iZ3D Developer) :
If you want simple crosshair just make 64x64 image and set the path like "C:\Custom crosshairs\my_crosshair.png". For animated crosshair you have to combine frames into one file (e.g. 128x64 for 2 frames). Don't use "ico" file format.
And a quote from Tril(Thanks Tril!):
In Vista, it's at C:\ProgramData\iZ3D Driver\Config.xml. You set the path with variable CustomLaserSightIconPath.
Hope that helps!