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Oh. My. God. THE Killer App.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 1:37 am
by Gerald
I just downloaded and installed the World of Warcraft trial, 3 days ago. Per instructions I found online, I disabled a couple settings from the game's graphics menu and got PERFECT 3d.

This is THE killer app for 3d. It's already one of the most popular games in the world, played by 2 million Americans and Europeans who pay $15 a month. It's an amazing game. While many of the activities I tried out in this game are the same as in older MMORPGs, WoW WORKS. Sure, there's some flaws but this game is the google of MMORPGs. I did not have even one technical problem in about 30 hours of play.

The graphics were as smooth as glass - smoother, even. I have never seen graphics this detailed run this well. The game doesn't support performance sucking real time lighting features, but even without it, it looks unbelievable.

I'll make and post some screenshots. Still, it was just utterly incredible - the best looking game I've ever played, and pretty fun as well.

If we could somehow let the word out about this game to the hordes of people playing it, 3d could take off in a rush. Everyone would buy that z3d monitor or be building planar mirror rigs.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 7:25 am
by Neil
You can and you should!

Go to the advocacy forum and start a new thread for WOW. This is how we turned some heads for Crysis.


Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 10:13 pm
by Slimmoo
I love WOW in 3d, I can't play it without the 3d, it just looks like crap.

In fact I keep running out of batteries for my glasses because of this game.

Also when I want to show the 3d off to friends I use that game, It just looks to good.