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IZ3D monitor, does it have ghosts while playing 3D movies?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 7:36 am
by WheatstoneHolmes
Hi, I'm new to the forum and would like to get a detailed answer from someone who knows the IZ3D monitor (the current 22" one, not the old version), please.

I don't do a lot of gaming, I'm interested in graphic design and 3D movie making and have been a fan of 3D since I was a kid in the 80s.

I currenly own red/blue, red/green, Yellow/Blue & ChromaDepth3D glasses.

I've tried the eDimensional shutter glasses for LCD and did not like the ghosting in 3D movies (Alien Adventure, Encounter in the 3rd Dimension, etc).

I'm not going to step backwards and get a CRT monitor just for 3D.

Currently, I am building my own "Planar3D/Visard" 2-monitor setup that is all over the web these days, my prelim tests using Lexan have been promising :woot .

I was just about to order a 40/60 or 50/50 mirror when I came across the IZ3D monitor again (I had looked at it and dismissed it due to a bad review).

My question is: does the IZ3D monitor show little or no ghosting when playing a 3D movie via Stereoscopic Player or the IZ3D Player?

Thanks very much for honest answers!

Re: IZ3D monitor, does it have ghosts while playing 3D movies?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 9:52 am
by soundstorm
Unfortunatly i don't have much experience with movies. The original glasses produce ghosting in games, so i guess in movies too. How bad/good is relative and hard to tell. Of course, it also depends on the movie/coloring/contrast/scene.

Just this: Im part of the Beta testing of the new adjusted glasses (second batch already) and they are very promising. :mrgreen: (Its not just the glasses, but also the algorithm for the polarizing process in the monitor is gonna change.)

But if you already have a planar setup, why buy a IZ3D? Seems a very good solution also, isnt it? Ok, more space needed. :P But ghosting is very good (as in low), or what experiences did you had?


Re: IZ3D monitor, does it have ghosts while playing 3D movies?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 10:15 am
by yuriythebest
yeah the ghosting is supported for games movies and images

Re: IZ3D monitor, does it have ghosts while playing 3D movies?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 3:28 pm
by WheatstoneHolmes
Thanks for the quick replies! :D

I will post pics of the "Planar" results I've acheieved.

My reasons for wanting an IZ3D are:

1. It's only one monitor not 2

2. There is a very limited 3D viewing area on my Lexan-based setup. I suppose a real 40/60 or 50/50 mirror would help in that regard but I don't want to throw money at this if it could go toward an IZ3D.

3. I'm using a 19" and a 17", I get around the problem of differing sizes by setting the 19" to the same res. as the 17" and using the "Center on screen" fuction in the ATI Control Panel. The 19" has a hot line of pixels on it but the "Center on screen" trick avoids having this show up in the picture.

There is a tiny bit of ghosting on my "Planar" setup depending on how you center your face in front of it and also you have to look slightly down at it.

So if someone that has an IZ3D monitor and has one of the 3D DVDs could you tell me if it has ghosting?

Thanks and great forum here!

Re: IZ3D monitor, does it have ghosts while playing 3D movies?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 10:29 pm
by yuriythebest
WheatstoneHolmes wrote: So if someone that has an IZ3D monitor and has one of the 3D DVDs could you tell me if it has ghosting?
yes as I've said before it does have some ghosting

Re: IZ3D monitor, does it have ghosts while playing 3D movies?

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 3:39 am
by UndeadD3vi1
WheatstoneHolmes wrote: My reasons for wanting an IZ3D are:

1. It's only one monitor not 2

3. I'm using a 19" and a 17", I get around the problem of differing sizes by setting the 19" to the same res. as the 17" and using the "Center on screen" fuction in the ATI Control Panel. The 19" has a hot line of pixels on it but the "Center on screen" trick avoids having this show up in the picture.
Are you aware that the iz3D requires 2 of your GPU's DVI's? If you haven't got SLi/Crossfire you'll have to say good bye to your multimonitor desktop...
That and the bad ghosting of the iz3D made me decide to get a Samsung 22" and Nvidia 3D Vision.

Re: IZ3D monitor, does it have ghosts while playing 3D movies?

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 6:14 am
by WheatstoneHolmes
Sorry Yuriythebest, I didn't realise "supported" what meant :oops: , thanks!

Samsung/nVidia: I guess at 60hz per eye there would be no flicker or ghosting to speak of.

I'm not attached to having an extended desktop, so that's not a problem, however I have an ATI card with dual DVI and not an nVidia so if I went the Samsung route I'd be buying a monitor, the glasses kit and a new gfx card, hmm I'll have to think about it.

Thanks all for the answers! :)

Re: IZ3D monitor, does it have ghosts while playing 3D movies?

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 9:16 am
by WheatstoneHolmes
Thanks for the video of the new glasses Beta 2, Yuriythebest.

I actually didn't notice the ghosting at first and have seen much worse from eDimensional glasses when used on 75hz LCD.

Re: IZ3D monitor, does it have ghosts while playing 3D movies?

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 6:06 pm
by Neil
Hi UndeadD3vi1,

I wouldn't knock either solution so quick. The crowds of people at FMX/09 seemed to like different solutions for different reasons. Some liked NVIDIA, some liked the Zalman, and others liked iZ3D. For example, Brian Van't Hul, Visual Effects Supervisor for Corraline, liked the iZ3D because it was very easy on the eyes for long periods and was inquiring using it for business purposes. Others liked NVIDIA and Zalman for their image quality, too. There are no dominant technologies here, and this ghosting you speak of is not as prevalent as it is made out to be - especially with the updated glasses.


Re: IZ3D monitor, does it have ghosts while playing 3D movies?

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 9:13 pm
by WheatstoneHolmes
Now that I've seen the videos from the IZ3D I can compare it to e-D glasses and the ghosting is really bad on the e-Ds.

I've tried all the adjustments that people suggest on a couple of games and a few 3D DVDs and still the alignment between the left and right images are really off.

I don't think it was the glasses, I got 2 of the wireless ones made for LCD monitor, had the latest drivers set on LCD, etc.

The IZ3D "ghosting" looks like it is really not that bad. 8)

Re: IZ3D monitor, does it have ghosts while playing 3D movies?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 2:52 am
by yuriythebest
WheatstoneHolmes- I'm not sure about ghosting amounts in comparison to the ED glasses, what I can tell you is that even with new glasses you will still have it, however the ghosting on the iz3d is created due to completely different reasons - slow decay of phosphors + not 100% darkening on the glasses in shutters VS imperfect light polarization on the iz3d. like if I used to stare on the ED ghosting that would cause eyestrain/discomfort to me, at least- I have sensitive eyes). on the iz3d it doesn't happen and it's very eye-friendly. With correct separation/convergence settings and/or autoconvergance + new glasses the iz3d is definitely a very nice thing to have :)

also if your previous experience is a 75hz LCD then yeah, there will be no comparison . if CRT... still no comparison :)