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Inconsistent Results For Users of the same stereo pr

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:49 pm
by nathansteinke
I'm trying to brainstorm how to control different parameters (or be aware of them) so one user can possibly use the same stereo profile to get the same results as another user.

Let's say two people are playing the same game with the same stereo profile that they downloaded from the same place, but they express that they are getting different results. One person says it looks great, another says it looks poor.

What are the variables?
1. stereo driver version
2. video card
3. monitor size
4. how well the individual perceives stereo 3d
5. game resolution same as Windows resolution set for?
6. game settings the same (shadows, anti-aliasing, DX7,8,9?)
7. ???

Can you add to the list? I'm thinking of putting together a checklist in hopes of supplementing a "troubleshooting" type document.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 8:13 pm
by Neil
Hi Nathan!

That's a very good idea. Try posting on some other forums with your ideas, and some of the other experienced users can pitch in with ideas.

Our web team is working on an u/l and d/l database - so this may fit in.


Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:05 pm
by scarab
7. area or level in the game