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DepthQ HD vs 85hz DLP vs polarised (2x projectors)

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:02 am
by bbloff

I've spent many hours reading through all the different options for s-3d, and considering what kind of setup would be best for me. I just had some questions regarding some of the common cheaper (projected) alternatives to the DepthQ HD 120hz projector (which seems the simplest option). DepthQ HD (1280x720) comes in at around US$6000, putting it out of my price range (for now).

[85hz DLP projection]
A lot of people have reported success with this setup, and it seems the best entry level approach - cheap, easy to setup. I don't generally have problems with low refresh rates, so this is likely to work for me (I don't tend to notice flicker/get eye fatigue).

Is it correct that each eye will be receiving around 42hz? People have commented an 85hz CRT is problematic for s-3d, but not so for 85hz projectors - is it fair to say the refresh rate is generally not an issue for this setup (in a dark room)?

[Polarized 2x projectors]
Seems the main disadvantage is setting the thing up, main advantage being you see the image at normal brightness (no loss of intensity, or rather compensated by having two projectors). Power consumption/bulb costs make this option slightly less attractive as well.

It is my understanding image brightness rates as a minor advantage (I haven't noted many complaining about 85hz projection being too dark, for example). At the same time this setup is still cheaper than the DepthQ. Might be a tiny bit more ghosting depending on polarisation filters/screen vs single projector setup, but hardly worth mentioning (as if configured correctly, you will barely notice this).

[DepthQ HD]
No ghosting, ease of setup (no special screen required), expensive.

If, for example, the DepthQ was on the market for say US$3000 - would that entice people to buy it, or is it simply not that much of an improvement over the other setups to warrant the cost? For example, if you had a 85hz 1280x720 projector you could buy for US$800, at what price point would you instead buy the DepthQ - this will give me a rough idea of relative benefit.

I've also looked into the HMD range. I would have purchased the Z800 in a heartbeat if it was still US$550, instead I'm waiting for the Vuzix 1440 (if price is right), but history tells me I could be waiting a long time - so I'd rather get something set up now to tide me over. I love the idea of head tracking + HMD, and as a games programmer, I would love to experiment with this (i.e. writing interactive 3d apps).

Does anyone know off top of their head the price of a decent 85hz 1280x720 (widescreen) DLP projector as comparison? I keep seeing the 1024x768 ones..

I'd love to hear people comments on my notes for the various configurations, if they feel I'm off the mark - or have anything to add (especially from personal experience).

Re: DepthQ HD vs 85hz DLP vs polarised (2x projectors)

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:24 am
by chrisjarram

First of all welcome on behalf of all here!
If you are interested in using 85hz DLPs (the BEST solution in my opinion!!) take a look at my latest post:-" onclick=";return false;

Chris J.

Re: DepthQ HD vs 85hz DLP vs polarised (2x projectors)

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:47 pm
by Xerion
bbloff wrote:Hi,
Does anyone know off top of their head the price of a decent 85hz 1280x720 (widescreen) DLP projector as comparison? I keep seeing the 1024x768 ones..
AFAIK none of the 1280x720 projectors that were ever tested actually worked at true 85Hz...

Re: DepthQ HD vs 85hz DLP vs polarised (2x projectors)

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:52 am
by bbloff
Thanks to the feedback from the forum, I've decided to go with the 85hz Sharp XR-10X + NVidia 3D Vision + Stereoscopic delay dongle (posted by Chris). I'll be sure to post feedback in this thread once I have it all set up, which will be some weeks away. Hopefully Xerion can also provide feedback, given he'll have the same setup (but with more projectors :) ).