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Dual Projector output problems

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:27 am
by ignatius
I just recently setup a projection setup with polarized filters/glasses for 3D. (by the way i'll be posting up a big post soon on my setup i just built) And I tried using iz3d drivers to check out some games in 3D but I can't get it to work.

The first thing i tried was i got the latest driver version 1.10 beta 3. Installed it, selected Dual projectors as my output format. I went into the "help" section to test out the 3D using the "Dynamic Test" and it wasn't working. All i got was an error on the top left saying, "Cannot find output.dll". I tried using other output formats like anaglyph and they worked fine. But i tried my luck anyways and went into Fallout 3 and Half-life 2 and the 3D wasn't working.

I then tried a bunch of other releases and beta driver versions and they all produced the same results. The closest i got to getting it to work was that I was able to get into the game and when i enable the stereo, All it does is swaps between left/right views but doesn't display them at the same time.

I did some more tinkering around and the first breakthrough in getting this to work with my dual projector setup was that I got the "Dynamic Test" working in 3D using the latest driver version 1.10 beta 3. I was able to put on my polarized glasses and i can see the 3D perfectly. But when i go into a game it doesn't work anymore, I can just swap between left/right views but they dont come up at the same time to see 3D.

I'm still trying out a bunch of different things. But hopefully someone can point out some suggestions to get this working. I would really appreciate the help, thanks.

- V

Re: Dual Projector output problems

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:09 am
by ignatius
Alrighty, problem solved.

After trying everything thing i could within the iZ3D control panel, i went into the nvidia control panel and began tinkering around in there.

I have a weird graphics card, even though its a single gpu, it can act as an SLI since the geForce 9800 GX2 has two gpu's inside one single gpu. Because of this you have a few more options of how you can use your two gpu's.

You can rather have them both act as one, or you can set them up to work independently. When i was first trying to get iz3d to work i had my video card set to have both my gpu's act like a single gpu. This must've confused the iz3d drivers when i loaded up a game, but oddly enough it worked fine when i took the Dynamic Test, maybe the programmers can possibly explain why that happens?

So this time around i changed the video card to make my single gpu act like two independent gpu's. This time when i loaded up the game, it worked like a charm, the way it should.

So that's that, problem solved. Hopefully this helps anyone else out incase they come into this wierd problem.


Re: Dual Projector output problems

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:02 pm
by LCountach
Sorry to burst your bubble ignatius but the 9800 GX2 is in no way what so ever a "Single GPU". It is TWO separate cards sandwiched together into a single package connected through SLI just like any other SLI setup. The unique feature to any GX2 is that the two SLI cards need only one PCI-E slot to function. Don't fall for the rumors and hype that say it is a single Card/GPU because it is not. Also any GX2 is subject to the same compatibility problems as any other SLI setup. Just trying to be helpful not condescending. If you run into trouble in the future this tidbit of info may help.

Oh and by the way, to you ATI X2 owners. Your cards are two separate GPUs joined in Crossfire on one HUGE single card. Crossfire compatibility problems included. Just getting the word out. :)