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Anyone Want to be a Little Famous?

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:06 pm
by Neil
Hi Guys,

We are getting set to go public with our first round of certification results.

Would any of you be interested in being quoted in the press release?

Your real name would have to be stated in the release.

Pleas PM me if you are interested.

Neil 8)

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 7:37 am
by Neil
It was a little late at night when I wrote that previous post - I should have been more specific! :shock:

I'm looking for honest quotes about how stereo has positively impacted your gaming experience.

Do you play games a second time round when you have 3D equipment?

Are you selective on what games you will buy?

Have you put a game away because the driver stopped working, and the game isn't the same without glasses?

All of these of perfect examples of commentary that could help what we are working on accomplishing here.

Thanks in advance,

Essential 3D

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:42 pm
by ohgrant
All the above. Stereoscopic 3D is the reason I play PC games. If a game does not work in 3D it is useless to me
What I find so great about 3D is it makes just about all DX games, old and new, look awesome. I've given up 2D gaming years ago with the discovery of the NVIDIA page flipping driver.


Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 7:29 pm
by Gerald
With as much energy as I am putting in to it, I am considering the following.

1. A photo "How-To" guide as to how to build a proper stereoscopic rig. Shutter glasses don't hold a candle to what is possible because

a. They rely on old, fuzzy, flickering CRTs.
b. CONTRAST - under the best possible circumstances, 100:1 or so contrast is the best they can do. There just can't be that big a difference between bright and dark areas in an image, because the LCD shutters can only get so dark and so light.
c. Ghosting - the fatal flaw. These faint extra images can ruin 3d, especially when you turn up the separation. Increased separation can really dramatically improve the illusion, but it is broken when your brain gets confused by the ghost images.

2. Another step by step, EXACT how to as to how to make certain troublesome games work. There are secret files that I think need to be deleted to make certain games work. (because that is the only explanation I can think of as to why the drivers can sometimes crash and sometimes not, and sometimes break 3d - without installing or changing ANY settings, just a reboot)

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 3:50 pm
by LukePC1
Some strategie games like Warcraft3 I keep playing in 2d because it is necessary for a fast gameplay. I simply don't have the time to klick multiple times between two units.
Every other game I try to play in 3D (racing and first Person shooters). Usually this truns out great, but some need a lot of tweaking.

I'm spending as much time on searching Information on how to run Games and Demos in S-3D, as I spent playing the games. This can't be expected of everyone and seems to be a reason, why S-3d hasn't spread more. Who wants to look up things on the internet for hours every day just to get every second game to run in S-3d?

I hope this time which is needed to get a S-3D problem fixed decreases with this forum, the comunity and their certifications!