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Dungeon Siege

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:03 am
by jimness
Hello all,

Just signed up, thought I'd add my thoughts on this...Dungeon Siege is one of those games that benefits so well in 3D - everything takes on a much fuller appearance. BUT...the cursor is (I believe) rendered in 2D, so it and a big block around it looks awful. Anyone know if it's possible to get around this? Otherwise this game would be perfect in 3D.

Similarly, Lego Star Wars is corking in 3D - those Lego blocks are a perfect contender for this technology.

BTW I'm using the 2 monitor and front-surface mirror setup - for me this beats seven bells of hell out of shutter glasses...


Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:06 am
by scarab
i just play Dungeon Siege 2. it looks also realy good.

i think its not so easy to solve the cursor problem. (there are some games you can choose between software and hardware cursor. maybe you find something like this in dungeon siege.)

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 8:08 am
by nathansteinke

I wonder if by tweaking the Convergence, you might be able to get the desired result for the pointer. One example is in AOE III, I was having misaligned cursor problems and was frustrated. Neil helped me with the settings and now it is right on the mark!

Have you tried changing convergence to see if that helps any?

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 1:57 pm
by nathansteinke
Jim, do you use TrackIR? I was seriously considering trying your method with the mirror, but wondering how much of a downside it is with the two monitor with a mirror method since you have to hold you head almost still to keep the 3d effect. Is that correct? Too bad there isn't somewhere where all the different techniques are side by side so I could compare all of them, that would be awesome to try them all side by side
1. shutter glasses
2. stereo projectors with polarized glasses
3. IZ3D polarized monitor solution
4. dual monitor with mirror
5. anything else I've forgotten


Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:34 am
by jimness

You do have to keep pretty still with this method, and ensure your monitors, desk, chair and mirror are all at the right heights to be comfortable (still working on that part!). I don't use TrackIR so can't directly comment on that, though I recently read the following tip from someone who does use TrackIR (from NVidia forums):

I have a good tip. Set the left non-reversed monitor image straight ahead rather than angled and the right monitor with revresed image at the needed angle ( 135 degrees ) . With this setup the position of the head is * not critical* . I had no problem using my Track IR and keeping images merged while using flight simulators.

I've used shutter glasses (on a massive CRT) and anaglyph, and I do think the mirror method is the best - when it works. Unfortunately I can't get any OpenGL game to work, which is a shame...I think the NVidia drivers can't handle it yet. Anyone got any ideas on getting OpenGL games to work with Planar Mirror?

Nate - I'll try the convergence thing you mentioned - thanks for the advice!
