Geo-11 CTD on X-Wing Alliance

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One Eyed Hopeful
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Geo-11 CTD on X-Wing Alliance

Post by Darkbluesky »


I was having high hopes that X-Wing Alliance (x32) with Upgrade pack (so DX11) worked better with Geo-11 driver and thus be able to use auto-convergence, etc. I have installed geo-11 6.56 and tested but at launch I get a crash to desktop, with the message "CreateDxgiSurfaceRenderTarget" "Interface not compatible", and then "DirectDraw Init FAILED at 2".

I have tried it with both the last XWAU Patch 6.0.2 (so including bluemax ddraw to wrap DX6 to DX11) and also just vanilla+2.02+Reimar ddraw 1.5.14. Same result.

I think that masterotaku was trying -at same time than me- to make a fix for this game few years ago. I hit a wall with hud and explosions, and I stopped there. But I don't know if he has tried it afterwards, or if someone else could advice me about that. I would thank specially because I really would like to be able to make it work, as it was just fantastic in 3D (and with reshade).

Is there some hope?

One Eyed Hopeful
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Re: Geo-11 CTD on X-Wing Alliance

Post by Darkbluesky »

I tested swap_effect = 1 (or 0, 3) but no luck, always the same. Maybe it is because the game is originally Directx 6 and use a wrapper (ddraw.dll to render in dx11). Do someone knows if it could it be the case?
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