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Question about two video sources

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:48 pm
by Kimber
First of all Hello Everyone. I recently learned about S3D and want to get an S3D television sometime this year.

The question I have is I read that S3D televisions could theoretically be set up to play two different video sources on one TV. Specifically I love the idea of my wife watching TV on her glasses and me playing PS3 on my pair. This way I can play games and sit next to her on the couch without being accused of abondoning her. Are any or all S3D TV's set up to do this? Or is there anything I can do to make this work?

Thanks in advance for your input.

Re: Question about two video sources

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:54 pm
by Neil
This is something unique to DLP and shutter glasses systems. I'm not aware of actual applications, but it was something demonstrated at CES last year.

The idea is that instead of alternating the lenses on and off one at a time for left/right viewing (3D), two entire pairs of glasses alternate between an on and off state, and you get two independent 2D experiences.

I suppose a dual 3D experience would be possible with completely different game applications or viewpoints, but the light level would be too low to be practical.


Re: Question about two video sources

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 7:02 pm
by Kimber
Thank you Neil.

So unfortunately even if I bought a DLP with shutter glasses, we can't yet watch two seperate 2D sources. That is too bad it never made it out of last years CES. I really like the concept.

Re: Question about two video sources

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 7:13 pm
by Neil
Meh! :P

Get yourself some 3D gaming drivers, and play in 3D. That's much more impressive! :shock:


Re: Question about two video sources

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 7:22 pm
by Kimber
lol, I plan on doing that also, it is what brought me to 3d.

But I am sure most married guys understand my desire for the dual 2d option.

Re: Question about two video sources

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:18 pm
by Damo3000
Buy a DLP 3D projector and let her have the TV! :D

Re: Question about two video sources

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 3:41 am
by nubie
I like this idea actually (how come nobody has ever thought of this before?)

I could modify the glasses by disconnecting one lens from its driver and adding it to the other eyes, and doing a switch up on the other pair.

I wonder how you could set up the inputs on the TV to accept these and display them one after the other though, that box could get expensive fast. If you could tap into the PiP section and have it draw the PiP full screen every other screen it might work ;).

I don't know what call there would be for a system like that as you would need glasses to watch TV that isn't even in 3D, so everyone would need pairs.

I thought of doing something similar with polarized projection, two left lenses in one pair and two right lenses in another pair. I also thought of stripping one pair of polarizers from an LCD so that people would only see a white screen, and you would need to wear the glasses to see anything on the screen. Good for freaking people out too :D