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Redirecting 3D Migoto or Geo-11 to avoid EAC blocking 3D Vision

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 1:21 pm
by a31632
I have read a lot about EAC (Easy Anti Cheat) impacting 3D Vision as in a lot of cases you will encounter the “untrusted file” error when you put files from 3D Migoto in the folder with the exe file. As a result the game will close.

I’m on Windows LTSC 2019 (1809) which is an Enterprise Edition with Windows updates till 2029. So no driver hack needed which also causes problems with EAC.

In some games I get 3D Vision to work:
Star Wars Squadrons and Hood Outlaws and Legends (Losti’s Outriders patched EAC dll files)
Predator Hunting Grounds (works with 3D Migoto and Geo-11 files added)

In some games neither patched dll files nor “disabling EAC” with -eac_launcher command works. The “untrusted file” error blocks it.

I tried:
Friday the 13th the game
Dead by Daylight
Evil Dead the game (but is DX12 so likely not working anyways)

Not sure why some versions for EAC allow the other workarounds and others not.

I noticed in d3dx.ini there is a section that shows code (inactive) to “proxy” dll files (in the section “chain load other wrapper DLLs instead of system DLL”). It would be great if someone can explain to me how to get this proxy to work as just renaming files and making one or both commands active (for example: proxy_d3dll=d3dll_helix.dll)
Uncommenting this command and making it active in combination with renaming the files accordingly is not working and likely EAC would not block this unknown dll files as they are not system files.

Another solution would be to somehow be able to have 3D Migoto or Geo-11 in a different directory but still triggering to work somehow.

If anyone has some Intel or expert advise here that would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Redirecting 3D Migoto or Geo-11 to avoid EAC blocking 3D Vision

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 2:53 pm
by 3DNovice

Re: Redirecting 3D Migoto or Geo-11 to avoid EAC blocking 3D Vision

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 11:49 am
by 3DNovice