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Questions Regarding 3DV Settings in Nvidia Profile Inspector

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 12:17 pm
by spin1
There was a problem in 1 of my racing games, Automobilista 1, where the digital LCD dashboards of cars were un-readable because the text was only visible in 1 eye. In the other eye, there were just greyish LCD squares were the text and #s should have been. Because this game is based on the rFactor 1 engine, and because ISI GMotor engine based games work perfect or near-perfect with 3D Vision without any fixes (GTR 2, GT Legends, rFactor 1, Race 07 / Race Injection, Automobilista 1, RaceRoom Racing Experience, even DX11 rFactor 2), I figured why not try and copy settings from RF1's 3D settings in NV Inspector over to AMS1.

I didn't think this would work because I thought all this stuff involved shader fixes via 3d Fixes and all that sort of graphics modding / hacking stuff that I know nothing about. Well, to my great surprise, it worked! The trick was either to set StereoProfile to Yes or Stereo TextureEnable to 0x00000001 COMMON_STEREO_TEXTURE_ENABLED or both.

This leads me to a few questions.

1. Does this mean that we can potentially fix 3D issues in lots of games by just messing with different Stereo TextureEnable settings? There are currently 81 different Stereo TextureEnable values to choose from, that seems like a lot of possibilities.

2. What about for StereoProfile, has any one ever discovered if setting it to 0x00000000 (DepthQ Player, Choplifter HD, Roller Coaster Rampage...etc.) instead of setting it to just "Yes" has made a difference to any games?

3. What about the following settings:
A) StereoConvergence
B) StereoCutoff
C) StereoCutoffDepthFar
D) StereoCutoffDepthNear

GT Legends, for example, uses different values for StereoConvergence, StereoCutoff, and Stereo TextureEnable compared to rFactor. Can any of those settings fundamentally change the 3D Vision visual experience? Are they just simply presets for how much depth or convergence the game starts with by default before adjusting those ourselves via hotkeys? Or do those settings do more than what we can do with the Nvidia convergence and depth hotkeys?

Re: Questions Regarding 3DV Settings in Nvidia Profile Inspector

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 3:14 pm
by 3DNovice