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Geo-11 : HOB : Dark DX9 output

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 5:07 pm
by Flint Eastwood
At first, a big "Thank You" goes out to davegl1234 and bo3bber for this fantastic piece of software. :D :D :D This is a huge step away from Nvidias abandoned 3D-Vision driver to an independent 3D-Vision-solution.

I tried it today, and got it working.

For HOB, I have the problem, that the DX9 output is too dark.
The DX11 output looks good, but there is no VSYNC working in Windowed Fullscreen, so I have bad tearing.
HOB uses the Ogre-Engine and there exists the config file "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Runic Games\Hob\local_settings.txt" .
The game uses a gamma value of 0.5 as standard. Could this cause the problem?

Code: Select all

HOB DX9 Output (too dark):
HOB DX11 Output:

For example Bioshock Infinite, the DX9 output looks good and bright as normal, so it is not the DX9-Output in general:

GTX1070, Driver 452.22, 3D-Vision-Driver 425.31, Win10 21H2

Re: Geo-11 : HOB : Dark DX9 output

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 5:38 pm
by The_Nephilim
well does the config file only control the DX9 version or does both DX version use it.. I would try and adjust it either way and see if it gets a brighter image as it should ..

Re: Geo-11 : HOB : Dark DX9 output

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 2:18 pm
by Flint Eastwood
@Nephilim: Yes, the value affects all geo-11 outputs.
Ok, now that's my workaround:
Set the Gamma-value to 0.25 when using the Nvidia-Dx9 output.
Now everytime, when you start the game, you need to navigate to the settings menu and the video menu. The game starts with the standard 0.5 , but when you enter the video menu, the brightness changes immediately to the 0.25 .
Yes I know, technically this game is a bit quirky, but I really love the level design.

Geo-11 Nvidia-Dx9 output with gamma set to 0.25 :

Re: Geo-11 : HOB : Dark DX9 output

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 3:00 pm
by Flint Eastwood
Hmm, HOB is a really strange one.
The game was working fine, until I came to this dungeon (little red dot on the map):
When you enter this dungeon, the screen fills fully bright white. This happens in 3DVision_DX9 mode.
In SBS Mode it looks fine.
It looks like a broken shader, but why does it only happen in DX9 output?