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GEO-11 Falcon BMS 4.36 currently not working!! :(

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 12:53 pm
by The_Nephilim
Hey guys,

I am trying yet another game this time it is Falcon BMS v4.36. Now when I launch the game I get into the main menu and it is in TAB Mode all is good. When I launch the game it CTD's on me and that is it. I will post the log that should help I am hoping..I am using nVidia516.59 driver win 10 21h2..

Going over the d3dx.ini I tried Hook and that just CTD's the game instantly so I remmed that out.. Tried different variances of:


none of those seemed to have worked either. I also tried this mode APP_COMPAT_SHIM = 1. that did not fix it either. So I am here hopefully someone can look at the log and say hmmm it appears this could be broke: But I also tried the 3 different versions I have of Geo-11 .38 seemed to work the best so far but still not working..

EDIT: OK Moving along I noticed there was a newer version of F4 4.36, so I downloaded it and installed altho that did not help. so I was poking around a bit in the log file and found this part:

HackerSwapChain::dm_wrap_back_buffer(class HackerSwapChainDirectMode@00000000313E82E0)
i: 1, Width: 1024, Height: 768
failed to get back buffer
HackerSwapChainDirectMode 00000000313E82E0 created to wrap 000000001B72DAD0
-> HackerSwapChain = 00000000313E82E0 wrapper of ppSwapChain = 000000001B72DAD0
->IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain return result 0

where it says it "failed to get back buffer" is that the reason of my CTD in game?? IF so what can be done to fix that error if that is what is causing my crash? thnx