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Geo-11 + DCS World Test..

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 3:41 pm
by The_Nephilim
Hey all,

I decided to try out DCS World it is a flight simulation that is free to play with 2 free planes to start out with all theother planes are Payware. you get the SU-25T and the TF-51 Mustang trainer.
well I ran into a small issue well an small issue for me anyhow. when I looked up the dumped the VS for the clouds I found that it was in ASM I believe that is what it is called vs the HLSL which I am used too..

I was wondering is there a way to change it so it dumps the shader in HLSL, or is this what Geo-11 dumps. Please forgive me if I have the wrong terminology but I believe that is what they are called.. but to be sure I will post the Cloud shader here and you can see it for yourself..

So far it worked but there are some broke effects which I will not be able to fix most of them and not any of them if is is in ASM code.

EDIT: Also when I restart the game it does not launch in Geo11 mode but 3D vision mode. so something is going on here and I don't understand why it does that.. anybody have an idea?

Re: Geo-11 + DCS World Test..

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 10:21 am
by The_Nephilim
OK I got it working but I had to do the steps bo3b laid out here:
Just finished building a new version v0.6.10, and posted it to the blog. This version includes a direct VR connection now to the katanga app that comes as part of HelixVision. If you don't have HelixVision, you can always use tab or sbs outputs for VR output.

To use the app, we need to launch it manually with command line parameters to tell it what game to find. We are not currently able to update the HelixVision app itself, so for now we'll use the manual approach.
Find your HelixVision game directory, and go to Tools->Katanga.
Make a shortcut of the Katanga.exe app. This is a Unity VR app.
Drag the shortcut someplace more handy, like the root of your game, or the desktop.
Get Properties on the shortcut.
In the Target field, add two parameters after the katanga.exe path:
--game-path "c:\your\path\to\game.exe"
--launch-type DX11Exe
Edit the d3dxdm.ini to set direct_mode = katanga_vr. Also put dm_separation = 20, 80 is too high for this big screen.
Launch your game however you want. Game should launch in TAB mode. The game window just shows TAB output to indicate it is in stereo mode, but katanga receives full-sbs images.
Make sure katanga is not already running, but SteamVR can be running.
Double click that shortcut to launch kataga in waiting mode, and katanga should automatically connect and show stereo.
Here is an example full Target specification as setup for Witcher3. Your file paths will of course be different.

W:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\HelixVision\Tools\Katanga\katanga.exe --game-path "W:\Games\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\x64\witcher3.exe" --launch-type DX11Exe

Once I did these steps the game launced and with a newer driver and without 3D vision driver being installed Geo-11 FTW.. :)

Any how when I dumped the shaders I need to run the game in admin mode, I never had that happen before I guess I should install all my games,Steam and such in a Games folder instead of the defauly Prohram files folder..

I also still need to figure out why it dumps the shader in ASM instead of HLSL Like I am used too. If I can figure that out I might be able to even fix the game..

Re: Geo-11 + DCS World Test..

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 12:24 pm
by 3DNovice

Re: Geo-11 + DCS World Test..

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 12:45 pm
by The_Nephilim
Yes I did those lessons some years ago but was never too good at ASM. I would rather deal with HLSL I know most say it is similar but I don't grasp ASM.. I have better luck with HLSL and was just wondering if there was a way to dump those shaders with Geo-11 too HLSL that I am familiar with..

Thank you for the link tho It may come in handy..

Re: Geo-11 + DCS World Test..

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 12:53 pm
by 3DNovice

Re: Geo-11 + DCS World Test..

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 3:55 pm
by The_Nephilim
Yes I am aware of that fix but it is something completely different. even if it was a true 3D fix I can not just use the shaders from his fix to the new one..

The code that Geo-11 dumps is in ASM, the code that most DX11 fixes in are HLSL.. I mean I could piece something to gether but that would be a massive undertaking on my part.

I will just hope we can get GEO-11 to dump in HLSL or whatever Migoto mostly dumps the shaders as..

Re: Geo-11 + DCS World Test..

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 4:03 pm
by 3DNovice

Re: Geo-11 + DCS World Test..

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 4:37 pm
by The_Nephilim
Well I will have a look and see what he did with his fix.. thank you for the link ;)