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What is this broken effect called?

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 6:00 am
by The_Nephilim
Hey Guys,

I am trying to fix a game that I converted to DX11 with DGVooDoo2 for HelixVision users, the game is Final Fantsy XIII. now the issue can be seen here in the screenshot. now I am just trying to determine what the broken effect is called? Would you call this a one issue or texture one eyed issue or whatnot? I really have no idea what is is called. I am thinking I could do a texture replace but I dont want to do all that only to find out it will not work as I just dont know what it is even called to get a fix.. I hope that makes sence..

I have tried a few things and read a ton og guides over at helixmod blog but for the life of me I do not know what this broked effect would even be called to llook up a more specific fix.. here is the screen shot not in one eye the legs and arm are darker sort of greenish. I believe it was the left eye the right eye renders fine as you can see here:

to view in 3D just remove the jpg extension and keep the jps one.. thank you for any info on this dreadful broken effect

Re: What is this broken effect called?

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:15 am
by 3DNovice

Re: What is this broken effect called?

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:37 am
by The_Nephilim
Hey, Yes it was an old DX9 game if you reread my post I mentioned I converted it to DX11 now with DGVoodoo2 and fixing itfor HelixVision.. I am not asking how to dump the shaders I know how to do that but what I am asking iswhat that broken effect is called I then can look on Helixmod blog and maybe track down a fix for it. but alas I dont even know what it is called.

here are the PS and VS plus the JPS Pictures to show they should be the right shaders if not please let me know.. thing is when I dump them in this game the HLSL gets all screwed up and I am not too sharp with ASM.. So hopefully somecan point me in the right direction.. I would appreciate it..


Re: What is this broken effect called?

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 8:27 am
by 3DNovice

Re: What is this broken effect called?

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 9:08 am
by The_Nephilim
well I guess we are missing something as I read your post but I digress..

I read that most of that I know I just never came across a broken effect like this before and not sure what it is or where I should focus my attention that is why I am asking what it is..

The more I do think about it is I will need to do a fram analyze and dump the texture maybe that is what it is a One eye fram render issue??
eithr way I am taking a break as I been grining all night need a break..

thank you for the link good info and I copied it for future reference..

EDIT: I am trying to do a frame analysis frame dump but the game keep CTD, what could cause that? I made the d3d11 log who here knows how to read that or who can I send it too to find out why the game is crashing onframe analysis dump?

thank you guys.

I am trying to fix the shader as there is no way to disable it from the shaders.If I did nothing would be there. it is some kind of one eyed texture issue I think from what I been reading since I posted this OP..

guess the screenshot is taken from the Katanga screen which is set at 1280 x 720 not sure why it looks that way?? maybe because of the 16:9 AR?

Re: What is this broken effect called?

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 10:23 pm
by The_Nephilim
Hey Guys, I got one and solved the issue with the one eye main char.. IT was pretty tricky but I got it finally.. Also now the hair and gun have a similar one eye issue but I read this is do to AA or MSAA or similar and maybe a Profile change will cure it..

will google it again

Re: What is this broken effect called?

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 4:51 pm
by The_Nephilim
Well Progress has been made. I am just needing to get the one eye hair effect in order still havent figured that one out yet. but she looks much better now then when she was green. I still need to fix the secondary character as well.

How does she look now?


Re: What is this broken effect called?

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 12:18 pm
by The_Nephilim
well I fixed up the secondary char. a bit just need to figure out something I can do with the hair. I seen before they mentioned a profile switch but I tried a couple of different profiles and nothing worked.. guess I will relook at the PS for that texture..